FAO in Nigeria

FAO, Nigeria sign agreements to strengthen food safety and agriculture systems

The FAOR Fred Kafeero stressing a point at the signing ceremony, while the Permanent Secretary FMARD Ernest Afolabi Umakhihe looks on.

Aim to support Hand in Hand Initiative roll-out and efforts towards aflatoxin management and mitigation

Abuja - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has signed two Technical Cooperation Programme (TCPs) with the Federal Government of Nigeria through the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD) with the aim of strengthening sustainable and inclusive food and agriculture systems and food safety.

The signing ceremony was held on Tuesday in Abuja and was presided over by the FMARD Permanent Secretary, Mr. Ernest Afolabi Umakhihe, and FAO’s Representative in Nigeria and to the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Mr. Fred Kafeero.

Speaking at the occasion, Mr. Kafeero said that FAO had secured funds for the implementation of three TCPs which are in line with the priorities of the Federal Government of Nigeria as outlined in the FAO’s Country Programming Framework (CPF) for Nigeria 2018-2022.

Among the TCPs, is the one that will focus on the implementation of the Hand in Hand Initiative in Nigeria for sustainable and inclusive food and agriculture systems to build resilience and alleviate poverty, hunger, and malnutrition.

“The Hand in Hand initiative in Nigeria aims to enhance the capacity of communities and rural institutions to take advantage of the unexploited opportunities effectively and sustainably but also address structural constraints and build the resilience of populations in territories under crisis,” he said.

The Hand‐in‐Hand Initiative was launched in October 2019 by the FAO’s Director-General, Qu Dongyu, and it is an evidence-based, country-led, and country-owned initiative of the FAO to accelerate the agricultural transformation and sustainable rural development to eradicate poverty and end hunger and all forms of malnutrition.

The other Technical Cooperation Programme agreement aims to provide technical support to aflatoxin management and mitigation in the country. “It is expected to help the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to address food security and nutrition issues, support the national economic diversification drive, ensure food safety, and provide imports Substitution, among other benefits,” Mr. Kafeero added. 

A shot in the arm

On his side, Permanent Secretary Umakhihe pointed out that the agreements were a shot in the arm to the Federal Government which is also implementing several interventions in the country to boost agriculture and food production at the same time ensure that the food consumed by Nigerians was safe.

“We would like to reiterate our interest and commitment in implementing the Hand-in-Hand initiative in order to accelerate the agricultural transformation and sustainable rural development in the country,” Mr. Umakhihe pointed out.

He also noted that the support on aflatoxin management and mitigation is timely since the country is also moving not only to protect the health of the people but also to secure international markets for its farm produce.

About FAO in Nigeria

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) opened its office in Nigeria in 1978 and has therefore been operational for over 42 years in the country. Over the years, FAO has been working closely with the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria by providing policy advice, credible, up-to-date information, and technical expertise on agriculture, food security, nutrition, and natural resource management. FAO’s work in the country concentrates on improving the livelihoods of smallholder farmers, thereby creating the impetus for economic growth in the agriculture and rural sector.



Emmanuel Kihaule                                      David Tsokar                               Opeyemi Olagunju

Communications Specialist                          Communications Specialist            Communications/Reporting Officer 

FAO Nigeria                                                FAO Nigeria                                 FAO Nigeria – North East Sub Office

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