粮农组织营养司提供专业技术支持各国在搜集 ,协调和传播高质素的饮食和营养信息。从这个范围,我们进行改良考核工具, 发展国家的才能去以收集数据,并一起制定一个全球性的网络平台,提供免费和个别国家的饮食和营养信息。
News, events and videos:
14th International Food Data Conference
- Video: How to share food consumption survey data through FAO/WHO GIFT. Go to the GIFT platform
New publications:
To improve nutrition assessment tools, capacities and practices in support of better nutrition, FAO partners with many key actors at the national and international level. FAO is currently collaborating (or has previously collaborated with) on nutrition assessment initiatives and projects with:
- World Health Organization
- World Food Programme
- European Union
- European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
- Intake - Center of Dietary Assessment
- Global Dietary Database
- International Dietary Data Expansion (INDDEX) Project
- Bioversity International
- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
- International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
- Statistical Agency under President of the Republic of Tajikistan (TAJSTAT)
- Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD)