Food-based dietary guidelines

Food-based dietary guidelines - Gabon

Official name

National Dietary Guidelines and Recommendations for Healthy Diets – Gabon (French: Guide et Recommandations Alimentaires Nationales pour des Régimes Sains – Gabon)

Publication year

The Government of Gabon published its first version of dietary guidelines in April 2021.

Stakeholder involvement

The development of the Gabonese dietary guidelines was led by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food, in collaboration with the Gabonese Food Security Agency (AGASA), the Ministry of Health (National Nutrition Centre, University Hospital of Libreville, and Regional Hospital of Melen), FAO, civil society and other ministries, all represented in the Multisectoral and Multi-stakeholder Food and Nutrition Security Platform (PMMSAN) of Gabon.

The dietary guidelines were endorsed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food in 2021.

Products, Resources and Target audiences


Target audience

National dietary guidelines and recommendations for healthy diets

Scientific community, policy makers, health workers, educators and teachers, general population

Communication plan

Policy makers, health workers, educators and teachers

Recipe booklet based on local products from Gabon

General population

National Food Survey Report

General population

Institutional and audiovisual spots translated into eight Gabonese languages

General population

Development process

The dietary guidelines have one main purpose – to help people of all ages make the right food choices every day in order to meet their nutrient needs and those of their children, by following a simple daily diet.

The development of the guidelines took place from 2018 to 2020. The development process was as follows:

  1. Project formulation by the PMMSAN
  2. Training of members of the platform on the basics of human nutrition and on the conduction of national food surveys with the use of the ODK (Open Data Kit) Collect application
  3. National food survey report
  4. Development of the dietary guidelines and recommendations
  5. Validation of the dietary guidelines and recommendations
  6. Publication of the dietary guidelines and recommendations
  7. Development and validation of the communication plan for the dietary guidelines and recommendations
  8. Development and validation of the recipe booklet based on local products from Gabon


The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food and the Ministry of Health are responsible for the implementation of the dietary guidelines in the country.

The national communication plan serves as the implementation plan for the guidelines.

The main objectives of the implementation plan are to (1) mobilize populations through various communication channels to adopt healthy eating habits and (2) contribute to mobilizing stakeholders around the dietary guidelines to encourage the adoption and appropriation of healthy eating practices within populations.

  • Conducting advocacy: encouraging the involvement and support of decision-makers at all levels to facilitate the implementation policies, and mobilizing spheres of influence around the dietary guidelines through advocacy meetings with opinion leaders, interpersonal interviews, round tables, etc.
  • Mobilization of actors:  bringing together all the stakeholders involved in order to accelerate the adoption of healthy eating practices through targeted campaigns that take local context into account.
  • Develop information, education and communication (IEC) materials: publicizing the dietary guidelines to stakeholders emphasizing the importance of promoting healthy eating habits and raising awareness and interest among the population on adopting good food practices through communication tools such as TV spots, radios, brochures, flyers, shows, etc.
  • Strengthen capacities in nutrition: reinforcing the knowledge of health workers, peer educators, people working in media, civil society and NGOs, agriculture etc.
  • Facilitate the sustainable adoption of the guidelines: promoting and disseminating the dietary guidelines among individuals, families, rural and urban communities, the media and key stakeholders in order to accelerate the adoption of healthy diets through targeted campaigns that take local context into account.
  • Increase information, education and awareness: informing decision-makers, government officials and other stakeholders on the importance of promoting healthy eating habits among the population through media such as TV spots, radio, brochures, flyers, shows, etc.
  • Strengthen nutrition knowledge: training journalists, civil society, NGOs, teachers, health and agricultural extension workers, etc.

The sectors engaged in the implementation of the dietary guidelines are those grouped together within the PMMSAN: agriculture, health, education, UN agencies, civil society, private sector, research, social affairs, etc.


There is no monitoring and evaluation plan for the guidelines in Gabon.

Food guide

There is no graphical food guide for the guidelines. However, the recommended diet includes six food groups:

  1. Fruits
  2. Vegetables
  3. Dairy products
  4. Tubers and cereals
  5. Meat products, fish, eggs, and legumes
  6. Sweet, fatty, and salty products


Gabon’s dietary guidelines cover 10 key messages:

  1. Practice exclusive breastfeeding for children under 6 months.
  2. Drink water according to your thirst instead of alcoholic beverages, especially pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  3. Eat fish, seafood or shellfish twice a week, including fatty fish (mackerel, sardines, salmon, tuna) once a week.
  4. During the week, alternate consumption of meat and meat substitutes (that is, legumes like beans, lentils, soybeans, peanuts) in combination with whole grains (brown bread, rice, corn).
  5. Consume fresh seasonal vegetables (raw and cooked) of different colors daily.
  6. Consume two seasonal fruits a day and if you want to consume dried fruits (such as dates), do so during meals.
  7. During the week, alternate consumption of skimmed dairy products (milk, yoghurt) and cow's milk substitutes (sole, white beans, soy, sesame).
  8. Consume freshly cooked foods or purchased products with little or no fat, sugar or salt.
  9. Do not skip these daily and varied meals taken at regular times and if you have to snack, eat healthy snacks (for example, fruit, yogurt, milk, salads). Make your last meal of the day as light as possible, taken 2 hours before bedtime.
  10. Practice a variety of physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day, such as walking, at the slightest opportunity or participate in any sport you like.


Aspects of sustainability were considered during the national food survey based on urban and rural representativeness, typical food characteristics of Gabonese ethnic groups and food availability.

The guidelines have been formulated based on the foods available and accessible to the general population.