
The ENACT Course: Education for Effective Nutrition in Action

ENACT is a course for professional development in nutrition education. FAO developed the course between 2012 and 2016 after a needs assessment exercise revealed that professional training in this field was almost non-existent and that nutrition education often failed to go beyond imparting information and advice. The ENACT course introduces participants to the principles and practice of effective nutrition education. The course is currently being used  in 19 universities across ten African countries, has been implemented in Sri Lanka and will shortly be adapted for use in India.

The French language version, ENAF (Le Cours ENACT en Afrique Francophone), was piloted in six countries, and the online version is now offered as a distance education course by the University of Senghor in Egypt.

What is the ENACT course?

The ENACT course uses a practical approach to nutrition education that has students practicing what they have learned, reflecting on problems and case studies, and discussing what works and why. 

It consists of ten units, plus one optional unit (5A Theory) that cover the basic principles and practice of nutrition education, and includes activities designed to explore aspects of real life, discover principles in action and apply what is learned.

Who is ENACT for?

Institutions training nutrition or health undergraduate/graduate students to become professionals who will carry out nutrition education in the African context.

What are the formats available?

ENACT is available in two formats

  • Face-to-face: a mix of sessions with tutors and independent work, with coursework available as a set of Adobe pdf documents.
  • Online: intended for distance learning with online tutorial support. Developed using Moodle, a leading open-source virtual learning platform.

For institutions interested in implementing the course, please contact the ENACT team