Académico y los Centros de Investigación


13 Jan 2023
Rome, Italy. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) School of Law have renewed their partnership through the signing of a new Memorandum of Understanding with an aim of strengthening policies and legal frameworks to ensure food is safe and healthy for all. The new agreement builds upon the FAO-UCLA partnership established in 2019 and recommits to actions for achieving Better Nutrition to "end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition in all its forms, including promoting nutritious food and increasing access to healthy diets"...
21 Dec 2022
FAO has provided an update on its engagements with non-state actors (NSAs), publishing its Partnerships with Non-State Actors at FAO Progress Report 2020-2021. The paper sets out how the FAO Partnerships and UN Collaboration (PSU) Division has continued to facilitate FAO’s work with a wide range of partners, including civil society organizations, cooperatives, producer organizations, parliamentarians, Indigenous Peoples, academia and research institutes. The report covers...
08 Nov 2022
Eliminating hunger and the transformation of agrifood systems into sustainable systems are ambitious goals for which the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is working towards every day. Yet, the Organization is lucky to rely on its partners’ resources, too, including academia, research institutions, and universities. Knowledge hubs from across Europe and Central Asia met virtually today with FAO experts, and discussed new approaches to accelerate the transformation towards sustainable agrifood systems and ensure a future in which no one is left...
07 Nov 2022
03/11/2022 - Rome -  The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Netherlands' Wageningen University and Research (WUR) discussed communicating and harnessing science in an event during the World Food Forum’s Science and Innovation Forum. FAO and WUR signed a renewed memorandum of understanding (MoU) in December 2021 to strengthen...
07 Nov 2022
El mundo continúa enfrentando desafíos provocados por el cambio climático, y particularmente en el corredor seco de América Central, donde la disponibilidad de agua, los cambios agrícolas, las alteraciones ecológicas, la extinción de especies, y la infraestructura están en riesgo debido a la aparición de eventos climáticos extremos. En este contexto, la FAO reconoce la necesidad de alianzas transformadoras con actores no estatales, incluidas las universidades, para el desarrollo de capacidades con enfoque en sistemas agroalimentarios sostenibles que proporcionen alimentos inocuos y nutritivos y que promuevan la difusión de dietas saludables entre las generaciones...