The GHG database on feed-crops is a global database of emissions, emission intensities and life cycle inventory for 5 main crops: maize, wheat, barley, soybean and cassava. It can be used by a wide range of users including the livestock industry, researchers, governments and others in need of data for analysis, awareness raising, planning, etc. Users will find the database an easy-to-use tool that provides downloadable information on emissions and emission intensities for the 5 main crops disaggregated by production system, agro-ecological zone, country and region. It is an initiative of the Animal Production and Health Division, produced in collaboration with the Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance (LEAP) Partnership.
Download [User Guide] [A life cycle inventory] [Methodology]
The LEAP Partnership uses its best efforts to deliver a high quality copy of the Database and to verify that the data contained therein have been selected on the basis of sound scientific judgment. However, some data and information accessed through these pages may, of necessity, be preliminary in nature because they are presented prior to review and approval of the LEAP Partnership. Users are therefore cautioned to consider carefully the provisional nature of these data and information before using them. Conclusions drawn from such information are the sole responsibility of the user. This database will be subject to revision and therefore, at this stage, it shall not be used to make or influence any decisions. The database is published as draft LEAP database 1.0 and is released in April 2015 for review of both the LEAP Partnership participants and a team of independent and external experts. The draft LEAP database 1.0 is published onto this website to also allow the general public and global experts in GHG emissions from agriculture to provide their feedback and participate in the development and validation of the database. The database will be reviewed, revised and released as version 1.0 by December 2015.