1st Face-to-face Meeting: Nutrient Cycles Accounting and Water Footprinting


The first face-to-face meetings of the Nutrient Cycles Accounting and Water Footprinting TAGs were held at FAO headquarters in Rome from 12 to 14 of July 2016.
Experts from different regions and technical background shared their knowledge and experience in the development of the upcoming guidelines produced by the Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance (LEAP) Partnership.
The meeting started with technical discussions of the main issues related to the environmental assessment of livestock supply chains in relation to each TAG group and the contents that will be covered by each guidelines.
The Nutrient Cycles Account TAG group is composed by 7 working groups which will cover the all stages of the livestock supply-chain, from crop production and manure treatment, to sensitivity analysis framework. The Water Footprinting TAG group decided to follow two different perspectives in environmental accounting, by developing guidelines on both LCA and water-use efficiency.
A plan of action for the development of the first draft was suggested, and is expected to be presented for the LEAP Steering Committee before the 2nd face-to-face meeting that is scheduled on November 16 to 18th on Kigali, Rwanda.