
Civil Society
23 Sep 2013
La FAO y la Universidad “La Salle” Beauvais firmaron la pasada semana un acuerdo de cooperación con el objetivo de contribuir al desarrollo conjunto de conocimientos y a la difusión equitativa de los patrimonios científicos.
  Marcela Villarreal, Directora de la Oficina de Asociaciones, Género, Actividades de Promoción y Creación de Capacidad de la FAO, visitó las instalaciones de la Universidad "La Salle" Beauveais en Francia para firmar este acuerdo. Gracias al mismo, los estudiantes de esta universidad politécnica especializada en la formación agrícola podrán seguir algunos de los cursos en línea diseñados por la FAO en materias como seguridad alimentaria, género,  Asimismo, las dos entidades colaborarán en la redacción de proyectos y en la movilización conjunta de recursos. El fortalecimiento de capacidad es un elemento central del mandato de la FAO. Uno de los programas clave...
Civil Society
23 Sep 2013
On August 15th, the Director-General of FAO signed a partnership agreement with Fundação Banco do Brasil to join technical capacities and information exchange with program and project development in order to end hunger.
  During his recent visit to Latin America, José Graziano da Silva signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Fundação Banco do Brasil (FBB) . This new partnership utilizes both entities’ knowledge and skills, resulting in an innovative approach to end hunger.   Fundação Banco do Brasil has an approach to development that uses Tecnologias Sociais (Social Technologies) for development. They have certified 504 of them, all of which are readily available for use off of their website as a Banco de Tecnologias Sociais (BTS). These social technologies are being translated into other languages as well.     The approach to the partnership will be as follows: FBB will mediate...
Private Sector
20 Sep 2013
New private sector partnership with Dutch cooperative bank will benefit farmers in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania.
The Rabobank Foundation and FAO will share knowledge, innovation and financial resources in a broad strategy to make a difference in the lives of small-holder farmers and the rural poor in Africa. An agreement signed at FAO headquarters sets out how the organizations will work together on development projects in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania. The projects will improve the income of small-holder farmers through support to small rural businesses, as well as through the identification of productive, competitive and sustainable agri-businesses along the whole value chain. Director-General José Graziano da Silva said that "this agreement is more than...
Private Sector
20 Sep 2013
The managing director of Rabobank Foundation, Mr. Pierre van Hedel, visited FAO headquarters today and gave a seminar for FAO staff titled “The Value of Cooperative Banking in Supporting Smallholders” as part of the Private Sector Seminar Series.

20 September 2013, Rome – The managing director of Rabobank Foundation, Mr. Pierre van Hedel, visited FAO headquarters today and gave a seminar for FAO staff titled “The Value of Cooperative Banking in Supporting Smallholders” as part of the Private Sector Seminar Series.
Rabobank Foundation was created in 1973 by Rabobank Group, a Dutch multinational bank and global leader in Food and Agribusiness. Building upon Rabobank Group’s collaborative and sustainable banking strategies, Rabobank Foundation seeks to support smallholder farmers around the world through agricultural cooperatives and microfinance mechanisms. Mr. Van Hedel explained that Rabobank Foundation believes in empowering smallholder farmers through financial,...
Civil Society
20 Sep 2013
New private sector partnership with Dutch cooperative bank will benefit farmers in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania
The Rabobank Foundation and FAO will share knowledge, innovation and financial resources in Africa in a broad strategy to make a difference in the lives of small-holder farmers and the rural poor.An agreement signed at FAO headquarters, involving our FAO decentralized offices, sets out how the organizations will work together on development projects in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania. The projects will improve the income of small-holder farmers through support to small rural businesses, as well as through the identification of productive, competitive and sustainable agri-businesses along the whole value chain. Director-General José Graziano da Silva said...
Civil Society
19 Sep 2013
The agreement signed covers knowledge exchange, resilience programmes, women’s leadership support and poverty measurement
Grameen Foundation and FAO will work closely together to enhance smallholder access to knowledge and technologies for sustainable production and food security through the use of mobile agriculture supported services. The two organizations signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today in Rome also aimed at improving farming innovation exchange, strengthening smallholder households to gain better access to agricultural and rural financial services and competitive value chains. Both organizations agreed that this is a great step forward in their efforts to improve food security. During his visit to FAO headquarters, Alex Counts, Chief Executive Officer and President of Grameen Foundation, highlighted...
Private Sector
17 Sep 2013
The agreement covers knowledge exchange, resilience, women’s leadership support and poverty measurement.
Rome - Grameen Foundation and FAO will work closely to enhance small-holder farmer access to knowledge and technologies for sustainable production and food security through the use of mobile agriculture supported services. The two organizations have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) also aimed at improving farming innovation exchange, strengthening small-holder households to gain better access to agricultural and rural financial services and competitive value chains. Both organizations agreed that this is a great step forward in their efforts to improve food security. During his visit to FAO headquarters, Alex Counts, Chief Executive Officer and President of Grameen Foundation,...
Private Sector
17 Sep 2013
The President and CEO of Grameen Foundation USA, Mr. Alex Counts, visited FAO headquarters today and gave a seminar for FAO staff titled “Grameen Model Towards Achieving Food Security,” which marked the beginning of the FAO Private Sector Seminar Series.
Rome –The President and CEO of Grameen Foundation USA, Mr. Alex Counts, visited FAO headquarters today and gave a seminar for FAO staff titled “Grameen Model Towards Achieving Food Security,” which marked the beginning of the FAO Private Sector Seminar Series. The seminar took place after FAO and Grameen Foundation signed a Memorandum of Understanding, which includes goals to increase farming innovation exchange, strengthen smallholders’ access to agricultural and financial services, and increase rural access to competitive value chains.  Mr. Counts first witnessed extreme poverty in 1988 when he was a Fulbright Scholar working with Grameen Bank in Bangladesh. He returned to...
09 Sep 2013
Agreement covers food security, right to food, land tenure rights and sustainable development
The non-governmental organization Deutsche Welthungerhilfe  and FAO will work more closely in their fight against hunger and poverty. The organizations signed an agreement on Monday in Rome, to promote the progressive realization of the right to food and improvements of the governance of land tenure for the benefit of all, with an emphasis on vulnerable and marginalized people. “Only if we work together will we be able to successfully eradicate hunger and poverty,” said FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva. “Cooperation with civil society groups like Welthungerhilfe is crucial to make the right to adequate and healthy food a reality.”...
Civil Society
02 Sep 2013
  粮农组织和世界粮食计划署长期合作,以促进弱势群体的粮食和营养安全。“PAA非洲”(非洲采购用于非洲)计划成为这两个机构在制定和实施有效实地联合行动的一个最新范例。   “PAA非洲”计划自2012年2月开始在埃塞俄比亚、马拉维、莫桑比克、尼日尔和塞内加尔实施。巴西和英国国际发展部为此项联合倡议提供了450万美元资金,旨在提升非洲小农的粮食和营养安全并促进创收。以世界粮食计划署“采购促发展”(P4P)举措和粮农组织在生产方面的专业知识为基础,试点活动帮助农民团体更多地参与粮食的生产和销售,从而促进学校供餐计划和饮食的多样化,同时加强公共政策对话。   通过各自领域互补性合作,粮农组织和粮食计划署能够使获得“PAA非洲”计划支持的国家从其综合优势中受益。“PAA非洲”计划粮农组织协调员伊斯雷尔·克鲁格认为该计划设计具有最佳增值效果,因为“它使项目得以利用各组织的比较优势”。他还补充说:“就‘PAA非洲’计划而言,各组织在职能方面的互补性不仅有利于改善业务绩效,而且有可能帮助推动关于当地采购问题的公开对话”。粮农组织利用其技术专长,长期致力于生产方面的工作,并在种子和农资分发、收获和收获后培训、病虫害综合防治和旨在加强营养的学校菜园等领域,向小农提供直接支持。为了保证农民获得稳定的市场需求,粮食计划署根据其P4P举措的经验,以所有5个获得“PAA非洲”计划支持国家的学校供餐计划为着手点,利用需求足迹,为农民的产品提供市场保障。在这些国家,从粮食生产到销售等各个实施阶段,两个机构都开展密切合作。国际专家积极参加这两个机构所开展的数据收集、信息传播及与当地合作伙伴的对话,以改善和加强当地食品采购计划。   在该计划构思阶段,作为“PAA非洲”计划主要资助方之一的巴西政府及英国国际发展部认为,机构间的伙伴关系不仅重要,而且是必然的。“这些机构长期开展合作,已经建立起一种基于信任的关系,而我们(巴西)也拥有在海地工作的良好经验,所以我们几乎可以肯定,这些机构应当成为合作伙伴,”巴西对外关系部“战胜饥饿国际行动”总协调员米尔顿·龙多·菲尔霍说。各组织职能的互补性对于实地的执行工作具有极高的增值意义,而且他们已经多次成功地通过密切对话来调解体制和组织文化方面的差异。此类对话的例子包括共同选择项目区以及合作举办“PAA非洲”计划的重要国际活动。   从总部到实地:粮农组织和世界粮食计划署开展哪些工作?   “PAA非洲”计划在推动合作伙伴关系方面的战略远景基础是,团结协作能够帮助巩固各国之间的行动网络并将两个机构在非洲开展的工作和获得的经验进行优先排序。   世界粮食计划署P4P计划高级顾问凯瑟琳·菲尼认为,对于粮食计划署而言,“PAA非洲”计划为深化与粮农组织的关系提供了重要机遇。她强调,尽管粮农组织已经成为P4P工作的主要合作伙伴,但是“PAA非洲”计划所需的伙伴关系则给了我们在实地一级开展合作的良好实践机会,同时也为这两个组织在总部一级就目前开展的重要战略审查进行对话打开了大门。   每个试点国家所采用的不同模式反映了在国家一级建立的机构间伙伴关系以前的动态,而该计划有助于确定新的合作领域。例如在马拉维,“PAA非洲”计划进一步促进了粮农组织与世界粮食计划署在P4P工作中已经建立起的合作关系。它们在两个区共同实施了一个自产食品向学校供餐的试点项目,合并了两个发展计划:粮农组织的青少年农民田间和生活学校及世界粮食计划署的学校供餐计划。自产食品向学校供餐试点活动涉及两个方面:第一个方面是本地采购,包括向学校划拨资金,从当地购买学校供餐所需的食品,同时支持农民生产多样化的产品并出售给学校。第二个方面是生产环境,包括学校菜园,作为社区和学生的示范田,而且能为学校提供部分食品。PAA计划加强了试点项目不同组成部分之间的协同作用,而且为促进自产食品向学校供餐项目取得长期效益提供了机遇。   该试点项目的实施工作需要密切监测和不断调整,而粮农组织和世界粮食计划署从一开始便开展合作,共同规划,制定能力建设战略和实施活动;为考察项目执行情况,两个组织的工作人员经常同车来往于曼戈切和法隆贝。“我已经记不清我们多少次一起去曼戈切进行考察,”世界粮食计划署P4P项目协调员艾琳·德尔里奥说。“但经过若干次考察之后,我可以说,大家都参与到项目中来,并对项目的成功负有同样的责任感,各方面都配合得天衣无缝。”学校的工作使整个社区受益。在校儿童可以获得多样化的食物,包括水果、各种豆类、肉和鱼。对学校员工和学童父母进行培训,教他们如何管理资金及维护学校菜园,以及如何应用新的农业技术和种植新品种。向学校出售产品的农民现在有了一个稳定的市场,可以提前进行生产规划,并接受生产和商业化方面的培训,争取提高其生产收益。   前进的道路:“PAA非洲”计划第二阶段   构建伙伴关系是以更加高效和更具影响力的方式获得项目成果的一个过程和手段。经常交流经验和研究结果是“PAA非洲”战略的核心,并正在通过联手制定、规划和实施而转化为实际行动。PAA举措的多部门性质意味着众多参与方的加入。促进各方的充分参与及合作是该计划的主要挑战之一。正如“PAA非洲”计划团队所认为的那样,以更加兼容并蓄的方式开展工作的道路将是漫长的;因此,抓住深化机构间交流的机会对于加强各国政府能力和多部门机制至关重要。   在计划执行的第二阶段,应当为促进技术决策以及参与式监测和评估机制建立磋商咨询机构,以改善利益相关各方的沟通和交流,使实地工作更加协调一致。但最重要的是在计划的第二阶段,必须共同拥有强大的政治意愿,因为它是这种伙伴关系的根本所在。世界粮食计划署的凯瑟琳·菲尼强调:“在总部一级,一旦高层作出承诺,而且肯定是两个组织的最高层的承诺,那么开展这项工作的意愿便已形成,这是我们应当作出的一项重要承诺,而且我相信我们会坚持下去,或许会越发坚定。”   劳伦娜·布拉兹与罗珊娜·米兰达(世界粮食计划署)、萨穆森·坎罕德(粮农组织)和艾琳·德尔里奥(世界粮食计划署)合作撰稿