
Private Sector
08 Mar 2019
2019年3月8日,罗马 — 粮农组织和全球改善营养联盟(GAIN)同意携手合作,共同改善发展中国家所有人对营养食物的获取和购买力。 该伙伴关系于星期四签署,旨在推动包容、有效的农业和粮食系统,关注能够吸引中小企业参与推广市场解决方案的新方法,并将其作为改善营养的重要工具。粮农组织和全球营养改善联盟还将努力提高城市粮食系统的营养敏感度,为此,将向全球营养改善联盟的"城市营养治理计划"和粮农组织的《城市粮食议程》提供支持。 目前,超过50%的全球人口居住在城市地区,预计到2050年,这一比例将上升至70%。这为粮食生产和供应带来了巨大挑战。受粮食价格波动和快速上涨、自然灾害和气候变化的影响,城市贫困人口的粮食和营养安全状况仍面临风险。 粮农组织总干事若泽▪格拉齐亚诺▪达席尔瓦提到了联合国大会最近通过的决议"全球卫生与外交政策:通过改善营养建立更健康的世界",并号召加大健康饮食的推广力度。"我们必须将更多精力放在推广健康饮食上,特别是在如今肥胖和超重蔓延的时候。我们知道造成饥饿的主要原因,也知道如何战胜它。"但是,他指出仍需要加大监测和监管,以提高粮食系统的安全性和抵御力。"私营部门在这方面要发挥关键作用,没有它们,我们无法推进这一议程。"
Private Sector
21 Jun 2018
‘Disappearing’ food could feed 48 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa
Food that ‘disappears' from the food chain after harvest owing to spoilage could feed an estimated 48 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa. A project by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the African Union and The Rockefeller Foundation aims to help countries drastically reduce these post-harvest losses by 2030 through strengthening policies and strategies. "Our work with The Rockefeller Foundation and the...
Private Sector
01 Jun 2018
FAO and Rabobank renew partnership to help smallholders participate in agribusiness boom
Africa boasts huge potential for social and economic development, with agribusiness poised to play a major role. Without policies and partnerships that enable smallholder farmers - including subsistence farmers and pastoralists - to participate in and benefit from the growth, that opportunity will turn into risk, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva said today.
Private Sector
25 May 2018
En el marco del reciente acuerdo de colaboración entre ambas instituciones, la FAO ha participado hoy en la II edición de este evento organizado por LUCA, la unidad de Datos de Telefónica y dedicado a debatir y exponer el potencial que el análisis de datos  (“Big Data”) ofrece para el bien común.   En esta ocasión el debate ha girado en torno al cambio climático y al potencial de uso de los datos para estar mejor preparados frente a las catástrofes naturales. En línea con esta temática, la FAO ha estado representada por Natalia...
Private Sector
04 Apr 2018
The chocolate reaches the Italian market thanks to an agreement with Autogrill and Altromercato
Bolivia is a country of spectacular landscapes and profoundly diverse environments.  North of the capital La Paz, in a region called Alto Beni, right where the Andes give way to Amazon forest, FAO is working with a community of Andean people that cultivate a world-famous cocoa variety, the "Criollo" cocoa, renowned for its nutritional values.