Alianzas parlamentarias


07 Nov 2019
Rabat - One year on from the first Global Parliamentary Summit Against Hunger and Malnutrition, parliamentarians from around the world gathered in Morocco for an international seminar on Parliaments and Food Security Challenges. The event, held over three days in the capital of Rabat, was organized by the Association of Senates, Shoora and Equivalent Councils in Africa and the Arab World (ASSECAA) in partnership with FAO, and hosted by the House of Councilors of the Kingdom of Morocco. The seminar drew participants from a range of government institutions and parliamentary bodies across Africa, the Near East, Latin America...
01 Oct 2019
Libreville - October 1st, 2019 saw the creation of the Gabonese Parliamentary Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition (APGSAN), established by a group of deputies and senators from Gabon, in collaboration with the FAO Subregional Office for Central Africa and the United Nations system. The creation of this alliance followed a series of meetings organized by the FAO Subregional Office for Central Africa and the two chambers of the Parliament of Gabon, which highlighted the need for parliamentarians to contribute to the fight against hunger and malnutrition in their role as guarantors of the country's political and economic commitments. The...
13 Sep 2019
On the sidelines of the 5th Investing in Africa Forum, held from 10 to 12 September in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo, FAO’s Regional Representative for Africa, Abebe Haile-Gabriel, met with representatives of the Congolese Parliament to discuss the role of parliamentarians in the fight against hunger and malnutrition. Mr. Haile-Gabriel commended the President of the Senate, Pierre Ngolo, and the President of the National Assembly, Isidore Mvouba, for their leadership on keeping issues of food security and nutrition at the forefront of the political agenda. The leaders of the two chambers of Parliament were instrumental in creating a Congolese...
19 Jul 2019
Members of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament, the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA), and the Rwandan Parliament met in Kigali, Rwanda from 16 -19 July 2019, for a weeklong learning exchange which focused on mainstreaming gender into agriculture and strategies to improve food security. The week featured a two-day capacity building workshop, designed to support parliamentarians in developing effective gender-responsive policies and legislation, and also included a high-level policy dialogue and field visits to Rwandan cooperatives devoted to soya bean and coffee production. Representatives of civil society organization representatives, intergovernmental organizations, think tanks, and the media also...
13 Jun 2019
Brazzaville - "Improving nutrition requires a collective effort. It requires well-designed laws that improve food systems, ensure healthy diets and strengthen school meals. It also requires adequate public budgets and it calls for strong legal frameworks that consolidate advances and allow us to press ahead." Referencing the words of the Director-General of FAO, José Graziano...