Текущее сотрудничество
В настоящем разделе приводятся некоторые примеры текущего сотрудничества ФАО и парламентариев, направленного на выполнение наших взаимных обязательств в отношении продовольственной и пищевой безопасности, в том числе и на обеспечение права на достаточное питание.
FAO and Parliamentarians are working together towards meeting our mutual commitments on food and nutrition security, including the right to adequate food. Some examples of ongoing collaboration are:
- Global Parliamentary Summit against Hunger and Malnutrition
The Global Parliamentary Summit against Hunger and Malnutrition sought to advance political will, as expressed by parliaments, to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG2) at international level. Around two hundred parliamentarians from different countries all over the world joined the Summit in Madrid in October 2018 and affirmed their political commitments on Zero Hunger and malnutrition. Over the two days of the meeting, a call was made to all parliamentarians to establish policies, enact legislation, assign specific budgets and forge alliances and agreements; The Summit Declaration, adopted by general consensus and acclamation, reaffirms the key role and engagement of Parliamentarians as custodians of political commitments to foster the necessary political will to achieve Zero Hunger by 2030.
- Parliamentary Front Against Hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean (PFH LAC)
Established in 2009, the Parliamentary Front against Hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean (PFH LAC) is a multi-partisan platform that brings together legislators from Parliaments in the LAC region, principally aimed at strengthening the legislative and institutional frameworks in the Parliaments of the region to facilitate the effective realization of the right to adequate food. Since the establishment of the PFH LAC, 4 framework laws have been developed as guides to countries and more than 30 laws relating to food and nutrition security, family farming, food loss and waste, school feeding and small scale fisheries among others and have been enacted nationally. These measures have contributed, in part, to the LAC region leading the world in poverty reduction. The Parliamentary Front against Hunger (FPH-ALC) continued its active work promoting and giving technical support to regional/sub-regional/national parliamentarians’ alliances (23), most recently in Chile and Barbados. There are several ongoing activities in the framework of the UNDFF; FAO is helping legislators to set up National Action Plans on Family Farming, and to develop and revise legal frameworks on family farming. - Members of the European Parliament
Engagement between FAO and Members of the European Parliament has resulted in the decision of several MEPs to establish an alliance to discuss issues related to the fight against hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition. Their first meeting was held on April 26th, 2016. Partnership between FAO and the EU has been strengthened through political dialogue with Parliamentary Committees and the members of the European Parliament’s Alliance against Hunger and Malnutrition. It brings together more than 30 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) from different nationalities, political groups and parliamentary committees .The Alliance provides a platform for policy dialogue and awareness-raising on the right to adequate food for all, on the eradication of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition and on making agriculture more sustainable and resilient. An Italian Parliamentary Alliance for Food Security as well as a Spanish Alliance for the Right to Food were also set up. - The Pan African Parliament
Parliamentarians from the 250-member Pan African Parliament (PAP) established the Pan African Alliance for Food and Nutrition Security at the end of 2016. At the request of the PAP, FAO facilitates this process, including through South-South cooperation. FAO works with the PAP at the sub-regional and national levels, and has supported the formation of national alliances in Madagascar, Benin, Djibouti, Congo Republic, Sierra Leone, Somalia and Uganda were in turn promoted. In addition, FAO worked together with the Pan African Parliament on the first framework law on food security and nutrition to guide African countries in efficiently fighting against hunger and malnutrition.