Mobilisation des ressources

Investing for results

La Fièvre aphteuse (FA) est la maladie infectieuse du bétail la plus répandue et celle dont l’impact économique est le plus important au Pakistan. Le projet visait à élaborer un programme national de lutte contre la fièvre aphteuse et à lutter contre les foyers de fièvre aphteuse, à améliorer les...
Agriculture is one of the most important pillars of Moldova’s economy. With sustainable crop production reliant upon the availability of pest/disease/drought-resistant varieties that perform well under local conditions, production requirements can only be addressed through the conservation of local plant genetic resources and the availability of varieties of plant genetic...
En raison des conflits en cours au Yémen, 70 pour cent des habitants du gouvernorat d’Al Dhale ont été classés dans la catégorie des phases de crise et d’urgence (analyse de classification intégrée de la phase, juin 2016), ce qui constitue un niveau élevé d’insécurité alimentaire. D’autre part,...
Extreme weather events and disruptions in normal weather patterns brought about by climate change negatively impact agricultural productivity in Nepal. This, in turn, leads to decreased food security in the country. At the request of the government of Nepal, this project was formulated to provide support for the implementation of...
In the aftermath of the devastating Cyclone Pam in 2015, the Government of Vanuatu intensified its support to the fruit and vegetable sector. Pineapple was identified as being particularly resilient to severe weather and as having excellent production and market potential. However, the lack of knowledge among farmers...