Отдел мобилизации ресурсов


24 Nov 2021
Созданный Продовольственной и сельскохозяйственной организацией Объединенных Наций (ФАО) и государственным институтом развития Государства Катар – Катарским фондом развития (КФР) партнерский механизм призван придать новый импульс усилиям по обеспечению продовольственной безопасности уязвимых сельских общин Сомали и укреплению их невосприимчивости к изменению климата.
17 Nov 2021
Новое пятилетнее стратегическое партнерство начинается с предоставления находящимся в уязвимом положении семьям фермеров Йемена помощи на сумму 5 млн долл. США
09 Nov 2021
Партнерство в области данных о лесах, координаторами которого выступают ФАО и Институт мировых ресурсов, повысит доступность геопространственных данных в целях сокращения обезлесения и восстановления деградированных земель.
20 Sep 2021
Against a backdrop of conflicts and crises around the world, FAO and EU managers met to cement their alliance on humanitarian issues. Taking part in the discussions were the Director of the FAO Office for Emergencies and Resilience Rein Paulsen, the Director of FAO’s Liaison Office in Brussels Raschad Al-Khafaji, and, both EU Directors in charge of European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO), Andrea Koulaimah and Andreas Papaconstantinou.
19 Aug 2021
Radio programs give rural communities an opportunity for their voices to be heard. “I know that I am privileged to listen and follow different programmes aired through MVIWATA FM,” says Odilia Jiovin, a farmer from Kilosa District in the Morogoro region of United Republic of Tanzania, which is known for the production and marketing of sunflower, coconut, sugarcane and sisal. “I always take the initiative to share the information with my fellow farmers in our community and apply the knowledge shared through the radio on my farm, where other farmers come and learn too,” she says.
29 Jul 2021
Продовольственная и сельскохозяйственная организация Объединенных Наций (ФАО), Программа развития Организации Объединенных Наций (ПРООН) и Всемирная продовольственная программа ООН (ВПП) приветствовали выделение Всемирным банком 127 млн долл. США на поддержку межучрежденческого проекта по борьбе с распространением крайнего голода в Йемене. В рамках проекта сельским семьям будут предоставлены возможности на устойчивой основе укрепить продовольственную безопасность домохозяйств.
21 Jul 2021
The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), QU Dongyu, joined by the Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Luigi di Maio, and the Italian Minister for Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility, Enrico Giovannini, inaugurated today the revamped main entrance of FAO Headquarters in Rome, which has been refurbished and modernized along with some other areas of the building, as part of the periodic, regular maintenance of the historic compound.
20 Jul 2021
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Republic of Korea, through its Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS), today signed a new Framework Arrangement which establishes overarching terms and conditions that will govern the cooperation through voluntary contributions and facilitate future negotiations between MFDS and FAO.
14 Jul 2021
In an effort to foster inclusive territorial development and combat the high youth unemployment rates in Tunisia, FAO’s Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism (FMM) launched a pioneering initiative in the country.
09 Jul 2021
As part of the Day of the Flemish Community (11 July) the Government of Flanders organized a luncheon for the diplomatic corps in Brussels. The FAO Liaison Office in Brussels congratulated Deputy Minister-President of the Government of Flanders and Flemish Minister of Economy, Innovation, Work, Social Economy and Agriculture Hilde Crevits for her nomination as National Convenor for the United Nations Food System Summit.