Coopération Sud-Sud et coopération triangulaire


15 Dec 2017
14 December 2017, Cairo, Egypt – Two successful pilot training courses to support agricultural development in the Nile Basin countries through knowledge transfer and innovative approaches celebrated their closure today. "We are very pleased with the results achieved. This is just the start of operationalizing the existing MoU between FAO and Egypt to further contribute to knowledge transfer among African countries through South-South Cooperation (SSC)," said Hussein Gadain, the Food and Agriculture...
28 Nov 2017
28 November 2017 - Rome/Antalya. At the Global South-South Development Expo in Antalya (Turkey), the Rome-based Agencies (RBAs) presented todaya joint roadmap which aims to strengthen the three agencies’ collective efforts to facilitate South-South and Triangular Cooperation in the context of achieving progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 2, zero hunger, by 2030. “Considering our respective mandates, comparative advantages and distinctive strengths, all centered around the realm of food security and...
22 Nov 2017
Brasília, 22 November 2017 – For two days ten ministers from developing countries and several international authorities exchanged experiences during the International Conference on South-South and Triangular Cooperation: Promoting innovations from the global South to support rural transformation, promoted by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) ), in Brasília, Brazil. More than 300 representatives from Governments, international organizations, academies, research institutes, the private sector, NGOs and the civil society participated in this event, which counted on FAO as one of its main supports. The Director-General of FAO, José Graziano da Silva, sent a message to highlight the importance of the debate...
10 Oct 2017
Rome/Kuala Lumpur, 10 October 2017. An eight-member Kenyan delegation, led by James Wachiuri Wanjohi, Technical Advisor to the  Principal Secretary/State Department of Agriculture, spent one week in  Malaysia learning how decentralized mechanisms can help turn national food security and nutrition policy into action. In 2010 Kenya adopted a devolved governance system and 47 new county governments were established. The Kenyan Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MoALF) along with the county governments requested FAO to support their understanding of how decentralization can support their Agriculture Sector Growth and Transformation Strategy (ASGTS). The strategy is supported through the joint FAO - European...