Promotion of Efficient Rice Farming Practices and Value Chains in Sub-Saharan Africa.
A South-South Cooperation video that explains the value chain of rice production in Sub-Saharan Africa. A coverage of a meeting held to share knowledge exchange for the promotion of efficient rice Farming practices and value chains in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Joyce - A Kenyan fishfarming entrepreneur - Africa Solidarity Trust Fund stories
This video tells the story of Joyce, an inspiring and entrepreneurial Kenyan fish farmer who has overcome many challenges to develop a thriving Tilapia and Catfish farming business. FAO and the ASTF fund are supporting aquaculture programs in Kenya with [...]
El capital humano y la experiencia técnica cubana, a disposición de países africanos a través de la cooperación Sur-Sur
Julio Andres García Pérez, Viceministro cubano de Agricultura,
FAO y Costa Rica sellan su compromiso con la Cooperación Sur-Sur y Triangular para el desarrollo agrícola
Ivannia Quesada Villalobos, Viceministra de Agricultura y Ganadería de Costa Rica
China - FAO South-South Cooperation: Promoting Inclusive and Sustainable Development
The 40th session of the FAO Conference hosted a side event on “China-FAO South-South Cooperation: promoting inclusive and sustainable development” .
• Marcela Villarreal, OPC Director, chaired this side-event.
• Opening remarks, by José Graziano da Silva, FAO Director General
• Opening remarks, by H.E. Niu Dun, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of [...]
Remarks by Purev Sergelen, Mongolia's agriculture minister
The new agreement signed by FAO Director-General Jose Graziano da Silva and Mongolia's agriculture minister Purev Sergelen aims to strengthen the South-South and Triangular Cooperation
Brazil recognizes South-South Cooperation as a key means to share its successful school feeding model with other countries
Karine Santos is Coordinator for Brazil’s National School Feeding Programme (FNDE/MEC): “Brazil’s National School Feeding Programme marked last year its 60th anniversary. In the context of this programme, we have long time ago established a partnership with FAO. Dr. Graziano [FAO Director-General] represents this partnership. We have two specific [...]
FAO and China launch new South-South Cooperation Program in Democratic Republic of Congo
FAO, China and the Democratic Republic of Congo have signed a two year agreement worth almost $1.5 million aimed at increasing food and nutrition security in the conflict-ravaged African nation.
Liu Zhongwei, Coordinator of the FAO-China SSC programme, illustrates priority interventions and implementation strategy.
Introducing South-South and Triangular Cooperation
South-South Cooperation (SSC) at FAO is a powerful tool to facilitate partnerships, foster innovations, and promote the scaling-up of development solutions. SSC Officers explain the strategy and goals in this short film.
Cooperación Sur-Sur en nutrición entre Chile, Guayana y Jamaica
FAO a través de las oficinas país de Chile, Guayana y Jamaica, facilitó que los ministros de salud de los tres países conversasen sobre el hilo conductor de la nutrición en los 1000 primeros días de vida.