This film describes how three pastoralist women from different parts of the world are restoring rangelands to improve livelihoods, and benefit the greater society and the environment.
Year of publication: 2022Organization: المعهد الدولى لبحوث الثروة الحيوانية
Topic: نوع الملكية
Language: English
Type of document: فيديو
Geographical coverage: أوروبا, شرق أفريقيا, آسيا الوسطى
The Greater Karamoja Cluster lies at the crossroads of Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan and Uganda. In this vast desert region nearly the size of the United Kingdom, crossing borders is a requisite for survival. But in recent decades, competition over natural resources has led to cattle raids and violent conflicts. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has supported a series of community-led initiatives to strengthen pastoralists’ livelihoods, enhance food security and prevent conflict in the region.
Year of publication: 2021Organization: منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم المتحدة
Topic: صراع, الخدمات البيئية, أمن غذائي
Language: English
Type of document: فيديو
Geographical coverage: شرق أفريقيا
This video presents 5 scenarios of pastoralism in local development, built through a participative expertise by FAO and partners (CIRAD, ISRA and local organizations) in Burkina-Faso and Togo in 2019-2020. The participative territorial foresight provides decision makers with an innovative tool for dialog. 5 scenarios are described: Ideal, Oasis in the desert, Local crisis, Limited hope, Transhumance in spite of everything. Local stake- holders work together to make concrete proposal to their decision makers. Through a holistic understanding of the territory, they can move towards cross-border local development and achieve the objective of efficient territorial governance in order to live in harmony.
Year of publication: 2021Organization: منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم المتحدة, كتاب مستقلون
Topic: اقتصاد, الخدمات البيئية, أمن غذائي, مرونة
Language: English
Type of document: فيديو
Geographical coverage: غربية افريقيا
La video présente 5 scenarios du pastoralisme dans le développement local, construits par une expertise participative de la FAO et ses partenaires (CIRAD, ISRA et organisations locales) au Burkina-Faso et au Togo en 2019-2020. La prospective territoriale participative fournit aux décideurs un espace de dialogue original. 5 scenarios sont décrits: Idéal, Oasis du désert, Crise locale, Transhumance malgré tout, Espoirs mitigés. Les acteurs locaux travaillent ensemble pour faire des propositions concrètes aux autorités politiques. A travers la compréhension holistique du territoire, ils imaginent un développement transfrontalier réalisant une gouvernance territoriale efficiente pour vivre en harmonie.
Year of publication: 2021Organization: منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم المتحدة, كتاب مستقلون
Topic: ابتكار, مشاركة, مرونة
Language: Français
Type of document: فيديو
Geographical coverage: غربية افريقيا
La vidéo présente une méthode d’analyse des enjeux de la transhumance transfrontalière, mobilisant la réflexion sur le futur : la prospective territoriale. La méthode a été utilisée au cours d’une étude de cas participative conduite par la FAO et ses partenaires (CIRAD, ISRA et organisations locales) au Burkina Faso et au Togo en 2019-2020, pour permettre aux acteurs locaux d’imaginer différents futurs pour leur territoire, et comprendre comment et pourquoi ces futurs peuvent se produire. Deux questions ont été posées: quels pourraient être les futurs du territoire transfrontalier entre Togo et Burkina Faso en 2035? Quels rôles et quelles fonctions pourrait jouer le pastoralisme dans ces futurs ? Les participants identifient et hiérarchisent les forces motrices et construisent des scenarios.
Year of publication: 2021Organization: منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم المتحدة, كتاب مستقلون
Topic: ابتكار, مرونة
Language: Français
Type of document: فيديو
Geographical coverage: غربية افريقيا
This video presents a way of thinking about the issue of cross-border transhumance by mobilizing a reflection on the future: territorial foresight. The method was implemented during a participative case study conducted by FAO and partners (CIRAD, ISRA, and local organizations) in Burkina Faso and Togo in 2019-2020, with the purpose of enabling local actors to imagine different futures for their territory and to understand how and why these futures may occur. Two main questions were raised: what could be the future of the border territory between Togo and Burkina Faso in 2035? What could then be the roles and functions of pastoralism in these futures? Participants identify and prioritize the driving forces and build scenarios.
Year of publication: 2021Organization: منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم المتحدة, كتاب مستقلون
Topic: ابتكار, مرونة
Language: English
Type of document: فيديو
Geographical coverage: غربية افريقيا
غالباً ما يتم إساءة فهم الرعاة واستبعادهم من الإجراءات السياسية التي تؤثر عليهم، برغم إسهامهم الاجتماعي والاقتصادي والبيئي في مجتمعاتهم. لذلك، يركز عمل المنظمة، من بين أمور أخرى، على زيادة الوعي بمساهمة الرعاة في الاقتصادات الوطنية والتنمية المحلية، وكذلك على المبررات المنطقية لإدارة الأراضي الرعوية والتنقل عبر الحدود. وتقوم المنظمة بتشجيع.
وتعمل منظمة الأغذية والزراعة (الفاو) مع المنظمات الرعوية وغيرها من المنظمات الدولية في مختلف المجالات لدعم المجتمعات الرعوية. ويشمل عمل الفاو . وإن
Organization: منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم المتحدة
Topic: تغير المناخ, اقتصاد, الخدمات البيئية, أمن غذائي, نوع الملكية, مرونة
Language: العربية
Type of document: فيديو
Geographical coverage: مناطق العالم
Capitalising on sustainable livestock management to ramp down deforestation in dryland forest region
Traditionally, dryland forests and trees in pastoral landscapes have played a critical role in coping with climate variability, particularly in terms of food security and nutrition for local communities. However, traditional and formal tenure rights for trees in agricultural landscapes or the use of nearby forests may differ and vary to a high degree. Tenure may include traditional collection of various fruits and other NTFPs, but more seldom include the use of timber or even the selling of charcoal. The latter hinders efforts to transform land-use systems to give local communities rights and power to manage their natural resources.
What are the examples of successfully securing right in the dryland forest region? Are there any inconsistences between legal and local recognitions of right for different land user in dryland forest? What options are available there for reconciling the different view and improve the integrated management of forest and livestock?
Year of publication: 2020Organization: منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم المتحدة
Topic: الخدمات البيئية, ابتكار, نوع الملكية
Language: English
Type of document: فيديو
Geographical coverage: مناطق العالم