Pastoralist Knowledge Hub


Pastoralism and agro-pastoralism - predominant livelihood systems in the drylands of Eastern Africa - are facing new challenges linked to climate change, land tenure changes, conflict, and emerging livestock diseases and more, hence, pastoralists need to urgently   supplement their traditional...
Partners resolve to coordinate policy advocacy better
Herders’ representatives and development organizations from around the world have agreed to promote sustainable pastoralism and coordinate their advocacy work. Over 14 partners of the Pastoralist Knowledge Hub, a FAO initiative launched in 2015, met in Rome on April 3,...

Eastern Africa countries face challenges of achieving food security mainly due to unfavorable weather and climate conditions, including the occurrence of droughts and floods as well as increasingly unreliable rainfall and gradually increasing temperatures. In response, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), in...
The first batch of 2 000 bags (70 kg bags of concentrate or range cubes) and 16 000 multinutrient blocks (2.5 kg) targeting 10 000 households to help maintain their breeding stock
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has flagged off distribution of livestock feed destined for Wajir, Marsabit, Kwale and Kilifi Counties in northern and coastal Kenya.  The initial batch of animal feed targets the worst-hit counties...
Local communities need support to mitigate conflicts between people and wildlife
Actively involving indigenous peoples and local communities in wildlife conservation is key to maintaining biodiversity and ensuring sustainable rural livelihoods, FAO said on the occasion of World Wildlife Day.   