Pastoralist Knowledge Hub


Highlighting the crucial role of pastoralist women in responding to climate related challenges
Women and girls in pastoralist societies are doubly marginalized; first as pastoralists that live in uncertainty and are facing new challenges to their livelihood, and second, as women in societies that restrict their participation in decision making processes. They are...
Ruth Kihiu is a Programme Manager at The Pastoral Women’s Council (PWC), which works to socio-economically empower marginalized pastoralist Maasai women in Ngorongoro, Monduli, and Longido districts in Tanzania, through livelihood and income-generating activities. PWC, supported by UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality, also aims to educate women and girls about their rights and equip them with leadership skills.
Before I joined the Pastoral Women’s Council (PWC), I was working in the private sector, in a business membership organization. But my passion has always been around women's empowerment. I felt that as much as my work in the private...
Burkina Faso and Mali are two of the six countries in the Sahel facing increasing hardships this year
31 May 2018, Rome - Sweden, through the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), will support drought-stricken farmers and herders in the Sahel, with a focus on Burkina Faso and Mali. Channelled through the Swedish International Development Cooperation (SIDA), the...
Keeping animals alive and healthy to hold hunger at bay
The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is embarking on its biggest ever livestock vaccination campaign in South Sudan, aiming to protect over 9 million animals this year to combat increasingly frequent outbreaks of diseases. Why focus on livestock? Over 65 percent...
N’Djamena, 11 mai 2018 - le Ministère de l’élevage et des productions animales et l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’Alimentation et l’Agriculture (FAO) publient les résultats du recensement général (RGE) de l’élevage au Tchad qui s’est déroulé de 2012 à 2015 sur toute l’étendue du territoire national.
Désormais, le Tchad dispose des données fiables pour mettre en place une politique adéquate en matière d’élevage pour le développement du secteur. C’est ce que montrent les principaux résultats du recensement général de l’élevage annoncés par le Ministre de l’élevage...