Centro de conocimiento pastoril


An introduction to the heroes of deserts and highlands
We have been roaming the Earth since long before you arrived, but maybe you haven’t noticed. We are referred to as the heroes of deserts and highlands for we can survive the toughest of climates. We live in over 90 countries and...

Transhumance, the seasonal droving of livestock between geographic or climatic regions, has been recognized for its vital role in cultural heritage and socio-economic sustainability. On December 5th2023, transhumance was declared an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO at the 18th...
Un agropastor de Sudán del Sur se adapta al cambio climático y ayuda a otros a hacer lo mismo.
Es temprano por la mañana y Michael Lokuru Kuri saca a pastar a su ganado, como hace todos los días al amanecer para evitar el calor. Es una escena bastante apacible mientras conduce su ganado fuera del recinto. Pero no siempre ha sido...

Grâce aux efforts conjugues du Mali, de la Mauritanie et du Senegal un pas important vient d’être franchi vers un avenir meilleur pour les eleveurs et pour la preservation du pastoralisme au Sahel. Nomadiser au gré des saisons et des pâturages...
Amplifying the voices of pastoralists
The 13th Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock (GASL) Multistakeholder Partnership (MSP) Meeting and the Regional Conference on Sustainable Livestock Transformation, held from 30th October to 3rd November 2023, in Chiang Mai, Thailand, was a significant event for pastoralists and their...