From 08 to 11 October 2024, 23 experts gathered at FAO Headquarters, for the 17th annual FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Pesticide Management (JMPM). The meeting focused on finalising this year’s intersessional work and establishing a roadmap for future approaches to pesticide management.
Over the four-day meeting,...
The 23rd FAO/WHO Joint Meeting of Pesticide Specifications concluded with fruitful outputs
2 10 2024
2 10 2024
The 23rd Joint Meeting of Pesticide Specifications (JMPS) Meeting took place from 11 to 15 June, 2024 in Wageningen, Netherland. The meeting brought together experts from FAO and WHO to work in global pesticides standards. Mr. Guibiao Ye, FAO JMPS Secretariat and Mr. Schuler Dominic,...
Invited by International Indian Treaty Council, the FAO Pest and Pesticides Management team traveled to Guatemala from 28 July to 2August 2024, to understand the situation of pesticide use, impacts and management in the Indigenous Peoples communities. The mission focused on gathering information for developing...
Growing concerns about the impact of pesticide use on biodiversity and human health – and increasing demand for products from biodiversity-friendly production systems – have led to growing interest in alternative methods of pest control, including particularly the use of microbial and invertebrate biological control agents...
The Caribbean region has recently taken a significant step towards improving good agricultural practices by participating in the Regional Training and Capacity Building Workshop on Good Labelling Practices for Pesticides in Agriculture. This event was part of the Caribbean Child Project of the GEF funded...