Boîte à outils pour l’homologation des pesticides

IOMC Toolbox for Decision Making In Chemicals Management

The Inter-organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals (IOMC) is a cooperative agreement among FAO, ILO, UNDP, UNEP, UNIDO, UNITAR, WHO, World Bank and OECD, with the aim to strengthen cooperation and coordination in the field of chemical safety. 

IOMC Participating Organizations have developed hundreds of tools and guidance documents that are relevant for countries in their efforts to improve chemicals management. However, finding the most appropriate tool or guidance document to address specific national issues can be a challenge.  

The IOMC therefore developed the internet-based IOMC Toolbox which enables countries to identify the most relevant IOMC resources, guidance documents, and training materials, for the development or strengthening of a number of specific national chemicals management schemes. 

The most relevant scheme for pesticide registration authorities is the National Management Scheme for Pesticides, which helps national decision makers in establishing sound management of all steps in the pesticide life-cycle.



Pesticide registration is one such step in the life-cycle, and the IOMC Toolbox links to the FAO Pesticide Registration Toolkit for more detailed advice. However, the Toolbox also provides guidance on other aspects of pesticide management, such as storage and transport, disposal, quality control and more. Furthermore, the IOMC Toolbox links  to the establishment of a classification and labelling system, which is relevant to pesticide registration. 

The IOMC Toolbox provides access to various external toolkits developed by other IOMC Organizations. The FAO Pesticide Registration Toolkit is one of them. But other toolkits, such as the OECD Environmental Risk Assessment Toolkit, may also be useful for pesticide registration staff. 

Overall, the IOMC Toolbox provides guidance for general chemicals or pesticide management. The FAO Pesticide Registration Toolkit is a dedicated tool for pesticide registration staff.