Authorize only low-risk packaging
Description of the measure
The occupational or handling risk of a pesticide may sometimes be reduced by authorizing a pesticide only if low-risk packaging is being used. Examples are water-soluble sachets to avoid dermal exposure during loading of the sprayer, and child-resistant packaging for domestic use pesticides.
In many countries, child-resistant packaging -which reduces the probability that young children can open a pesticide container- is mandatory for all domestic use pesticides, or for domestic use pesticides exceeding a certain toxicity.
Conditions for effective implementation
Low-risk packaging should be compatible with the pesticide formulation that is to be registered. For instance, water-soluble sachets are not compatible with aqueous liquid formulations.
Estimated risk reduction potential
The risk reduction potential of this measure depends on the type of low-risk packaging.
Potential constraints
Lower risk pesticide packaging can be more costly and may therefore not be competitive if the higher-risk cheaper packaging remains on the market.
Further information
- Child-resistant packaging – Requirements and testing procedures for reclosable packages. International Standards Organization. Standard ISO 8317:2015
- Child resistant packaging – Mechanical test methods for reclosable child resistant packaging systems. International Standards Organization. Standard ISO 13127:2012
- Guidance for child resistant packaging (CRP) for pesticides. United States Environmental Protection Agency.