يتضمن هذا القسم أخبارًا عن الفاقد والمهدر من الأغذية في إطار المشاريع المشتركة والبرامج والأنشطة ذات الصلة.

FAO and St. George's British International School present a Food Loss and Waste poem, Season Greetings to all!

منظمة الأغذية والزراعة تحتفل باليوم الدولي الخامس للتوعية بالفاقد والمهدر من الأغذية مع دعوات لزيادة الاستثمار والتعاون الإقليمي

Tackling food loss and waste from the farm to the table and beyond | IDAFLW Press release

FAO Food Loss App (FLAPP)
Get actionable insights and expert advice on food loss from farm to market, all through the power of data and community-driven solutions

First edition of the ne'ma newsletter!

Latest News - How food banks prevented 1.8 million metric tons of carbon emissions last year

World must look to South America's success in reducing hunger: FAO Chief Economist

International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste 2024 | Call to Action

Food loss reduction: new publication
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) continue to serve as a major source of employment and income generation in the agriculture and tourism sectors in countries of the Caribbean Community and Common Market.

FAO Food Loss App (FLAPP)
By providing accessible information on food loss through video advisories, the FLAPP offers the opportunity to enhance the capacities of farmers, companies, producer associations and cooperatives to make informed decisions and apply evidence-based solutions.

Launch of the Ethiopian post-harvest management strategy
As part of the Swiss-funded project titled "Reducing Food Losses through Improved Post-Harvest Management (PHM) in Ethiopia", FAO supported a post-harvest loss (PHL) assessment study. The study was conducted in four grain crops. Food losses in the country, altough different in terms o...

UNEP and WRAP launch the Food Waste Index Report 2024

Innovative Sustainable technologies TO extend the shelf life of Perishable MEDiterranean fresh fruit, vegetables and aromatic plants and to reduce WASTE | STOPMED WASTE

Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) event| From farm to food donation. How to maximize the potential of preventing harvest losses to ensure food security?

Country traditions | Fresh fruit in warm climates and traditional cakes in cool climates to celebrate the holiday season.

In Thailand, discovering a better way to waste not, want not

Strengthening climate resilience, adaptation and mitigation through food loss and waste reduction

منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم المتحدة في COP28

Youth against food waste – Catalyzing change through interactive workshops

مأدبة العشاء الدولية السنوية لوقف هدر الأغذية لعام 2023
شاركت صاحبة السمو الملكي الأميرةMarie ، أميرة الدانمرك، كضيفة شرف في مأدبة العشاء الدولية السنوية لوقف هدر الأغذية لعام 2023 التي استضافتها سفارة إيطاليا في الدانمرك وحركة "أوقفوا هدر الأغذية" (Stop Spild Af Mad)، في إطار يوم الأغذية العالمي واليوم الدولي للتوعية بالفاقد والمُهدر من ...