Agricultural Market Information System - AMIS
The Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS) is an inter-Agency Platform to enhance food market transparency and encourage coordination of policy action in response to market uncertainty. The initial focus of AMIS is on four crops that are particularly important in [...]
CERF - Central Emergency Response Fund
The Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) is a humanitarian fund established by the UN General Assembly and launched in March 2006.
With CERF’s objectives to 1) promote early action and response to reduce loss of life; 2) enhance response to time-critical [...]
CRC - Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region [of the Near East and Horn of Africa]
The role of the Commission is to assist member countries to manage and prevent Desert Locust, and to prepare for and respond to emergencies caused by it.
The CRC concentrates on integrated approaches that:
support the development, sharing and adaptation of preventive control strategies, explore approaches for assessing [...]
DCED - The Donor Committee for Enterprise Development
The DCED is a forum for learning about the most effective ways to fulfil the SDGs by creating economic opportunities and jobs for the poor – based on practical experience in Private Sector Development as well as on domestic policy [...]
FAO Conference
The FAO Conference is the sovereign Governing Body of the Organization. Its purpose is to determine the policy and approve the budget of the Organization and to exercise the other powers conferred upon it by the Constitution, to make recommendations [...]
FAO Council
The Council acts as the FAO Conference's executive organ between the sessions. In particular, it exercises functions dealing with the world food and agriculture situation and related matters, current and prospective activities of the Organization, including its Programme of Work [...]