

ACSFI - Advisory Committee on Sustainable Forest-based Industries

The Advisory Committee on Sustainable Forest-based Industries is a FAO statutory body composed of senior executives from the private industry sector worldwide. It meets yearly with the main objective of providing guidance on activities and programme of work of the [...]

AFWC - African Forestry and Wildlife Commission

The African Forestry and Wildlife Commission (AFWC) is one of six Regional Forestry Commissions established by FAO to provide a policy and technical forum for countries to discuss and address forest issues on a regional basis. It meets every two [...]

ALAWUC - Agriculture, Land and Water Use Commission for the Near East

This Commission aims to provide a forum through which Member Countries can exchange information and experience, and promote joint programmes at regional and sub-regional levels. It provides support to the FAO and other potential donors to identify issues, problems and [...]

APFC - Asia-Pacific Forestry

The Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission (APFC) is one of six FAO Regional Forestry Commissions. APFC is a forum for advising and taking action on key forestry issues in a region of diversity and rapid change. The Commission meets every two years to [...]

APFIC - Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission

The Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC) works to improve understanding, awareness and cooperation in fisheries issues in the Asia-Pacific region. The APFIC Secretariat is hosted by  the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, in Bangkok, Thailand.

Advisory Committee on Fishery Research - ACFR

The mandate of the Advisory Committee on Fisheries Research (ACFR) is to study and advise the Director-General on the formulation and execution of the Organization's programme of work in respect of all aspects of fisheries research, including conservation and management [...]
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