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Dominican Republic. Socio-economic context and role of agriculture. Country fact sheet on food and agriculture policy trends

During the review period (2007-2015), the government continued to support small and medium scale producers through several schemes, including distributing seeds, expanding agricultural credit, providing direct payments and marketing programmes. Since 2005, the National Pledge Programme has been targeting rice producers and financing storage in periods of low prices or oversupply.



Zimbabwe. Socio-economic context and role of agriculture. Country fact sheet on food and agriculture policy trends

In response to the declining production trend for maize and wheat over the period 2007-2016, the government took measures that included direct inputs assistance to farmers, provision of extension services, and liberalization and deregulation measures. However, financial constraints, together with a number of weather-related shocks, have considerably limited the impact of these measures on agricultural production and development

Case study


Mongolia. A review of the agricultural research and extension system. FAO Investment Centre

The importance of agriculture to Mongolia’s economy, and to its rural economy in particular, makes sustainable agricultural development a national priority. The transition from collective socialism to a market economy in the 1990s nearly caused the collapse of the entire agriculture sector. Since privatization, the number of livestock animals, mainly sheep and goats, has increased dramatically, reaching 45.1 million in 2012. This growth in both livestock and crop production was enabled by several factors. Yet investment in research and extension remains very low. Without sufficient government backing for research and development, extension services and veterinarians, information about weather and prices [...]

Case study


Morocco. Monitoring adoption of key sustainable climate technologies in the agrifood sector. FAO Investment Centre

Climate change plays an increasingly important role in the international debate on food security. While the key concern is on how climate change can impact world food security: how to meet the food needs of a world population reaching 9.5 billion people under climate uncertainty, the agrifood sector is also increasingly under scrutiny to increase its contribution to climate change mitigation efforts. This is not surprising since worldwide, the agrifood chain (including agriculture as well as food processing, distribution, retail and utilisation) contributes to over 20 percent of total GHG emissions (excluding land use emissions).



Predicting the Occurrence of Transboundary Threats to the Food Chain: A New Integrated Approach

Transboundary animal diseases (terrestrial and aquatic), plant pests and diseases (agriculture and forest plants) and Food safety hazards, are raising public awareness for their potential impact on food and nutrition security, human health, livelihoods, and trade. The ability to predict FCC threats through a forecasting process is imperative for Governments to act quickly by taking necessary measures to prevent these threats, limit their geographic spread and minimize their impact. To address this challenge, FAO Food Chain Crisis-Intelligence and Coordination Unit (FCC-ICU) developed an Integrated Forecasting Approach. See also the quarterly Early Warning Bulletins that integrate information on threats to the food chain [...]

Case study


Innover pour des mécanismes inclusifs de financement agricole et d’atténuation des risques. L’exemple de Tamwil El Fellah au Maroc

Le Plan Maroc Vert du Gouvernement du Maroc souligne le rôle important de l’agriculture etdéfinit des stratégies visant à promouvoir le développement de ce secteur en y attirant desinvestissements nationaux et internationaux et en organisant les acteurs privés en chaînes devaleur concurrentielles et rentables. Malgré ces efforts, cependant, de grands défis restent à relever. L’un des principauxconcerne la disponibilité de services financiers pour les acteurs ruraux de l’agriculture. Lecapital moyen nécessaire chaque année pour financer l'agriculture est estimé à 30 milliardsde Dirhams. Les finances du secteur bancaire marocain représente seulement 17 pour cent decette demande et le Crédit Agricole du Maroc [...]

Case study


Estrategias innovadoras de gestión de riesgos en mercados financieros rurales y agropecuarios. Experiencias en América Latina

El presente estudio aporta un marco analítico que describe las principales barreras a la inversión y financiación agropecuaria, las cuales se pueden agregar en la gestión de riesgos financieros, de producción, mercadeo, climáticos e institucionales, y en modelos de negocio que reduzcan costos de transacción para brindar de manera viable productos mejor adaptados a las necesidades de una diversidad de clientes rurales. A su vez, se presenta cómo las tendencias en los mercados agropecuarios han influenciado en la región latinoamericana el sistema financiero rural en general, y el sistema financiero agropecuario en particular, sugiriendo un auge en modelos de negocio [...]

Case study


Ukraine. Water Along the Food Chain. Country Highlights. FAO Investment Centre

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), through its Investment Centre (IC) Division, is assisting the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in its goal to improve the impact of future EBRD agribusiness investments regarding water efficiency. To this end, in 2013, a joint FAO/EBRD project entitled “Water along the food chain” was initiated in four pilot countries – Ukraine, Turkey, Jordan and Kyrgyz Republic. The specific objectives of this project are four-fold: (i) conduct selected analyses of water efficiency along the food chain to inform EBRD’s agribusiness investment decisions; (ii) identify potential agribusiness clients for [...]



Bangladesh: Socio-economic context and role of agriculture (Country fact sheet on food and agriculture policy trends)

How have governments responded to the 2007/08 food crisis and how has their approach evolved since then? Which measures have gained the attention of national policy makers in recent years? What are the emerging issues in the context of national food security policy, and which areas of investigation should be considered further? The new series of country fact sheets launched by FAPDA attempt to answer these questions presenting key food and agriculture policy trends since the 2007/08 food security crisis. FAPDA country fact sheets are prepared in collaboration with national partners and FAO country and regional offices. Each fact sheet provides a [...]



Asia Pacific Food Price and Policy Monitor

The Asia Pacfiic Food Price and Policy Monitor (APFPPM) is a monthly report tasked to monitor food prices in local markets and provide readers with up to date food/agricultural policy developments across the Asia Pacific region. See all Asia Pacific Food Price and Policy Monitor issues