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Digital excellence in agriculture report. FAO-ITU regional contest on good practices advancing digital agriculture in Europe and Central Asia

This report is the outcome of the Digital Excellence in Agriculture: FAO-ITU regional contest on good practices advancing digital agriculture in Europe and Central Asia, organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Office for Europe and Central Asia and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Offices for Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Launched in November 2020, the contest sought to identify, showcase and celebrate good practices and innovative solutions that have proven successful in advancing the digital transformation of agriculture in the regions. With nearly 200 applicants from 36 countries in the regions, the [...]



Legal report on the ecosystem approach to fisheries in Sri Lanka: An analysis of the ecosystem approach to fisheries in selected national policy and legal instruments of Sri Lanka

Legislating for an ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF) is complex, due to the holistic nature of EAF involving multiple factors that underpin the social, economic, environmental, and institutional aspects of fisheries sustainability. These factors include ecosystems integration, risks, intersectoral collaboration, research, participatory processes, monitoring, control, surveillance, and enforcement, among others. To assess how an EAF is being implemented through national policy and legal frameworks, FAO developed a diagnostic tool for implementing an ecosystem approach to fisheries through national policy and legal frameworks. The present legal report on the EAF used the diagnostic tool to assess the alignment of selected policy and [...]



Principles and guidelines for the assessment and use of voluntary third-party assurance programmes

These guidelines are intended to assist competent authorities in their consideration of voluntary third-party assurance (vTPA) programmes. They provide a framework and criteria for assessing the integrity and credibility of the governance structures of vTPA programmes and the reliability of information/data generated by such programmes to support national food control system objectives. The term "Codex Alimentarius" is Latin and means "food code”. Codex standards are international food texts, i.e. standards, codes of practice, codes of hygienic practice, guidelines and other recommendations, established to protect the health of the consumers and to ensure fair practices in the food trade. The collection of [...]



Aquaculture Legal Assessment and Revision Tool

While the aquaculture sector has seen extraordinary global growth over recent years, it also faces a number of important challenges. Although aquaculture may reduce pressure on wild fish stocks, the fact remains that the sector can also have a range of negative environmental impacts. At the same time, a degraded environment, in particular poor water quality, can adversely affect the health of aquatic animals and plants used in aquaculture and therefore the economic sustainability of the sector. Moreover, if appropriate bio-security measures, in the sense of measures to protect aquatic animal health, aquatic plant health and human health, are not [...]



Техническое руководство по включению Добровольных руководящих принципов ответственного регулирования вопросов владения и пользования земельными, рыбными и лесными ресурсами в контексте национальной продовольственной безопасности в процесс осуществления Ко

Данное техническое руководство, подготовленное совместно секретариатами Продовольственной и сельскохозяйственной организации Объединенных Наций (ФАО) и Конвенции Организации Объединенных Наций по борьбе с опустыниванием (КБОООН) при участии многих заинтересованных сторон, посвящено интеграции Добровольных руководящих принципов ответственного регулирования вопросов владения и пользования земельными, рыбными и лесными ресурсами в контексте национальной продовольственной безопасности (ДРПРВ) в рамках реализации КБОООН и достижении нейтрального баланса деградации земель (НБДЗ), тем самым дополняя продолжающиеся усилия по борьбе с опустыниванием, деградацией земель и засухой.В руководстве описываются возможности практического применения ДРПРВ — международно признанной системы ответственного управления владением и пользованием ресурсами — в контексте разработки и реализации инициатив в области НБДЗ. [...]

Issue paper


Enabling a legal environment for the prevention and reduction of food loss and waste

Food loss and waste (FLW) is a global burden with a negative impact on the economic, social, and environmental dimensions of sustainable development. The loss and waste of food suitable for human consumption hampers food security and nutrition and hinders the realization of the human right to adequate food.Regulatory measures to tackle FLW include establishing institutional mechanisms for coordination of action, allocating clear roles and responsibilities among all stakeholders involved and setting binding targets for the reduction of FLW. These can enhance the transparency and accountability of all actors relevant for the prevention and reduction of FLW throughout the food [...]

Issue paper


Elimination of child labour in agriculture through social protection. Guidance note

The aim of the guidance note on elimination of child labour in agriculture through social protection is to enable practitioners at national, regional and global levels to adapt social protection systems to contribute actively to eliminate child labour in agriculture.Universal social protection can prove an effective means to both address rural poverty and child labour in agriculture, if done right. This requires integrating child labour analysis into social protection policies and programmes, designing social protection programmes that address the underlying drivers of child labour and/or directly target families and communities prone to child labour.This guidance note analyses evidence related to [...]

Issue paper


Legal report on the ecosystem approach to fisheries in Liberia. An analysis of the ecosystem approach to fisheries in selected national policy and legal instruments of Liberia

Legislating for an ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF) is complex, due to the holistic nature of EAF involving multiple factors that underpin the social, economic, environmental, and institutional aspects of fisheries sustainability. These factors include ecosystems integration, risks, inter-sectoral collaboration, research, participatory processes, monitoring, control, surveillance, and enforcement, among others. To assess how the EAF is being implemented through national policy and legal frameworks, FAO developed A diagnostic tool for implementing an ecosystem approach to fisheries through national policy and legal frameworks. The present legal report on the EAF used the diagnostic tool to assess the alignment of selected policy [...]



Comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk reduction system for the agricultural sector in Uzbekistan

This report aims to highlight the current strengths of the institutional disaster risk reduction (DRR) system for agriculture in Uzbekistan as well as indicate existing gaps and capacity needs to further enhance it. A comprehensive assessment is conducted, which includes a general overview of the country’s agricultural sector and outlines the most frequent natural hazards that are impacting the sector. It is followed by an analysis of the existing legal, policy and institutional structure and discusses various components of the system, including the functioning of early warning systems, assessments of disaster risks, post-disaster needs assessments, including damages and losses assessments and the [...]



Making way: developing national legal and policy frameworks for pastoral mobility

Mobility is a vital strategy employed by pastoralists to capitalize on the scarce availability of resources in variable environments, making pastoralism economically feasible and environmentally sustainable. Through mobility, pastoralists can produce animal-sourced products that provide food and income security to populations in the world’s rangelands. Such a practice also provides a range of benefits to the environment while fostering the capacity to adapt to changing social and natural environments. With a few exceptions, policies have largely not kept up with new scholarship and development discourse that acknowledges the importance of mobility to pastoralism. There is a lag in and resistance to [...]