Portail de l'appui aux politiques et de la gouvernance

Case study

The world is converging on the need for sustainable agri-food systems. Policy recommendations based on lessons learned from eleven African countries

14 May 2021, Rome - In a sign that food security and nutrition are increasingly seen as key vectors for sustainable development, the United Nations Commission on Population and Development (CPD) approved a resolution likely to enrich and intensify discussions at the upcoming UN Food Systems Summit. 

The agreement, as well as the UN Secretary General's report to the Commission to which FAO made substantial contributions, span a vast array of themes - from the need to make healthy diets affordable to all and the importance of assuring income opportunities for all even as capital-intensive industry transformations may reduce the need for existing types of jobs and labor, to stopping illicit cross-border financial flows and the need for governance and ownership of big-data to make sure its benefits are available to all, including smallholders and marginalized people. The breadth of topics illustrates just how complex a task the shift to sustainable agri-food systems will be.

More information here.
