Issue paper
Child labour in the Arab Region. A quantitative and qualitative analysis
This study will be technically led by the ILO and its Regional Office for the Arab States, with technical and financial support of FAO, in collaboration and coordination with the League of Arab States and the Arab Council for Childhood and Development (ACCD) .
The current study will be based on sectoral analysis of child labour in the Arab countries, drawing comparisons between countries (or groups of countries with similar child labour characteristics) according to economic sectors of children’s involvement in the labour market. It will provide quantitative and qualitative analyses concerning the main sectors where child labour is concentrated, in the Arab countries most affected by this phenomenon (with special emphasis on worst forms of child labour and involvement in the on-going conflicts). More specifically, the study will focus on child labour in the agricultural, manufacturing and construction sectors, commerce and services sectors, in addition to child forced recruitment in armed conflicts, with special focus on the Syrian case and child labor among Syrian refugees.