PPR advisory committee
The PPR Advisory Committee is responsible for reviewing the implementation of the GEP, and its progress against the overall goal of global freedom from PPR by 2030. It provides advice to the PPR Secretariat and the FAO/OIE management on any changes in strategy and on coordination of GEP activities with other relevant interventions at country, regional and global levels.
The Advisory Committee also advocates for the PPR GEP with stakeholders including policy makers, donors, national veterinary services and livestock owners.
The composition of the Advisory Committee includes representatives from FAO and OIE Management, the GF-TADs Management Committee, Continental and Regional Cooperation Organisations, regional economic communities, funding partners, civil society, the PPR World Reference Laboratories, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and independent experts on PPR. The activities of the Advisory Committee is overseen by a Chair, who is the key contact point for liaising with the PPR Secretariat. The Advisory Committee reach recommendations by consensus.