REDD+ Reducción de las emisiones derivadas de la deforestación y la degradación de los bosques

Sayouba Adama, a cocoa producer in the South Comoé region, "discovers the path to prosperity"


In the village of Ebikro-N’Dakro in the South Comoé region, Sayouba Adama, married and father of six children, is a well-known cocoa producer for his hard work. Despite his efforts, the annual production from his 2 hectares is always low and does not provide a decent living for him and his family.

With the advent of the project "Promoting cocoa production without deforestation to reduce emissions in Côte d'Ivoire" (PROMIRE) implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), he discovers agroforestry and applies it to his plantation. The initial results pleasantly surprise him. His production improves along with his income.

"Before, I had never heard of agroforestry or forest restoration, and I even struggled to maintain my plantation due to lack of financial means. The yield per harvest was around 150 kg. But when during a sensitization campaign led by FAO agents, I learned about the PROMIRE project, which promotes cocoa cultivation without deforestation and the preservation of the environment, I immediately knew I wanted to be part of it. As a farmer, I am deeply concerned about deforestation and climate change issues. I knew I had to do my part to protect our environment for future generations," he recounts.

"The project gave me the opportunity to learn several agricultural techniques, including drip irrigation. With the technical and material support of the project, I have been practicing agroforestry on my 2-hectare cocoa plot for two years now. I also received financial support that allowed me to pay for labor for better maintenance of my field. Not only since I have been a beneficiary of the PROMIRE project for 2 years has my cocoa production improved, with a yield of 450 kg per harvest now, but I have also observed better soil health and an increase in biodiversity, which improves soil fertility. The results of these practices have been remarkable," he confides.

He says he is proud to contribute to the fight against deforestation on another 1-hectare plot where he practices forest restoration. Also, thanks to his increased earnings, the cocoa producer now diversifies his agricultural activities by establishing a poultry farm. "This new additional source of income is a plus to ensure the well-being of the Sayouba family," he rejoices. Sayouba has become a leader in his community, sharing his knowledge and experience with other farmers.

Despite this success, Sayouba Adama and other PROMIRE beneficiaries face persistent challenges such as constraints in accessing financing, which remain major obstacles to the development of their agricultural activities.

"For the future, I am optimistic about the prospects offered by the PROMIRE project. I firmly believe that we can transform our agricultural sector into a positive force for the environment and for our communities," he states.

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