Responsible Fishing Operations Workplan
The environmental and biodiversity impacts of fishing operations, including those caused by fishing gear misuse or mismanagement, continue to undermine the sustainability of fisheries, the conservation of oceans and are a major challenge to be addressed within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in particular within Sustainable Development Goal 14 “Life below Water” and Goal 2 “Zero Hunger”.
Implementation of these policy instruments and the ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management, as well as associated measures and tools, is required to effectively address unsustainable and harmful fishing practices.
The suite of activities related to Responsible Fishing Operations (i.e. RFO Workplan) support and promote responsible fishing practices that contribute to sustainable fisheries and the reduction of impacts of fishing operations. This information document provides an overview of the Workplan including expected benefits, outputs, and how foreseen activities map to these.