The Right to Food

News and Events

News - 16.07.2019

More than 820 million people are hungry globally.

News - 24.06.2019

It is an endeavour to stimulate discussion and to enhance a wide commitment on a human rights- based approach.

News - 10.06.2019

Empowering consumers by improving their roles as agents of change contributes towards more sustainable and equitable food systems.

News - 05.06.2019

Three networks at regional and national level made of scholars and researchers are contributing to the strengthening of legal, policy and institutional frameworks to achieve Zero Hunger.

News - 03.06.2019

Policy makers in the region position the right to adequate food at the highest level of the political and legislative agenda across the continent and at country level.

News - 31.05.2019

Ensuring the human right to adequate food is a fundamental responsibility of states and societies everywhere.

News - 19.03.2019

237 million people affected in sub-Saharan Africa, straining global and continental hunger eradication efforts.

News - 12.02.2019

Consumers around the world have a right to expect that the foods they purchase and eat are safe and good quality.

News - 27.12.2018

2018 has already come to a close and we all know we have left some things undone. As you plan your New Year’s resolutions, FAO recommends you to include a Right to Food Publication in your reading list.

Events - 02.11.2018

FAO urges parliamentarians from all over the world to place food security and nutrition at the top of the political agenda.

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