Decent Rural Employment

New Video Reaffirms FAO’s Commitment to Promote Decent Rural Employment


Creating productive employment opportunities for the rural poor is an essential driver for rural development and for more equitable and inclusive societies. This is the message echoed by FAO’s newly launched video Transforming knowledge into action: FAO's Work on Decent Rural Employment, which aims to raise awareness on the importance of decent rural employment to reduce poverty and eradicate hunger and the crucial role FAO can play.

FAO’s revised Strategic Framework clearly articulates FAO’s renewed commitment to decent rural employment, which is featured as the Organizational Outcome on “The enabling environment in member countries is created or improved to increase access by the rural poor to decent farm and non-farm employment” under the new Strategic Objective 3 (SO3) “Reduce rural poverty”.

Yet improving access to decent farm and non-farm employment requires vigorous awareness-raising and advocacy with governments and development partners alike. As a result, this video has been created to provide a simple yet powerful outreach tool to illustrate how FAO, in close collaboration with the ILO and other relevant stakeholders, is working to address decent work challenges through its normative work, as well as by providing technical and policy advice at country level.

Watch the video here to learn more about FAO’s engagement in promoting decent rural employment