FAO in Rwanda

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major global threat to humans, animals, plants, and the environment.

Reducing the need for antimicrobials and limiting the emergence of resistant pathogens is critical to maintaining the world's ability to treat human, animal and plant diseases, reduce food safety and security risks and protect the environment.

Participants at the workshop

In a recent address at the opening session of the workshop on Joint National Situation and Surveillance System Assessments on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and Antimicrobial Use in Kigali, the FAO Country Representative, Coumba Sow, emphasized the importance of creating capacities to strengthen the national AMR surveillance system and promotion of One Health strategy.

Talking of the Rwandan Multi-sectoral National Action Plan to combat Antimicrobial Resistance (NAP, Coumba Sow said: “This workshop is an opportunity to advocate and mobilize funds for improving the national AMR surveillance system to detect and characterize infectious disease pathogens, conduct antimicrobial susceptibility testing, and monitor AMR. This workshop also enhances the country's capacity to design and implement the NAPfor AMR to accommodate the Progressive Management Pathway of the NAP ( PMP) assessment. These actions will improve awareness, behaviour change, and education capacities related to AMR.” she concluded.

The workshop discussed:

The NAP aims to ensure effective treatment and prevention of infectious diseases by responsibly using safe and quality-assured medicines accessible to all in need.

One Health approach is the optimal solution for sustainable health in humans, animals, and the environment. FAO is committed to supporting measures that mitigate antimicrobial resistance's adverse effects on the economy, security, trade, and public health.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has introduced two AMR related Assessment Tools, one for Laboratories and Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Systems (FAO-ATLASS) and the for Progressive Management Pathway of the NAP ( PMP). These tools are designed to assist countries in mapping, evaluating, and enhancing their national AMR surveillance systems and NAP implementation within the food and agriculture industries.

The joint assessment workshop aimed to aid the human, animal, and environmental health sectors in mapping and assessing the analytical capabilities of national laboratory networks to detect AMR and implement NAPs in the food and agriculture sectors using a One Health approach.

Sow seized the opportunity to advocate for and mobilize funds to improve the national AMR surveillance system to support NAP implementation.

Recognizing the interconnectedness of sectors in addressing challenges related to disease control, food safety, antimicrobial resistance, and environmental health threats, the workshop assessed the development and progress of the AMR-NAP. It identified short and medium-term actions to enhance its implementation and build capacities in intervention areas related to AMR communication/awareness, evidence, good practices, and governance in Rwanda.

The workshop also prioritized actions to secure financial resources from different partners to combat AMR and the misuse of antimicrobials, a challenge exacerbated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, participants mastered the PMP-AMR tool as a practical evaluation tool for national AMR activities and reported the results of the FAO ATLASS assessment.


For more information contact :

Marie Claire Muneza

Head of Communications

[email protected]