Joint action needed to tackle massive global food losses

7 May 2014, Rome/Düsseldorf
Tackling the world’s massive food loss problem is a key to reducing hunger and poverty, but governments and companies must step up their collaboration on the issue, an international congress on food losses and waste heard today. Speaking at the 2nd SAVE FOOD International Congress in Düsseldorf, FAO Assistant Director-General Ren Wang underlined that effective coordination across all sectors could make “a real difference” to one of the world’s major food security challenges. While 842 million people suffer from chronic hunger, around 1.3 billion tonnes of food is lost or wasted every year.
FAO estimates that the food produced but never eaten would be sufficient to feed two billion people. Even just halving the current level of losses would have a dramatic impact on the projected 60 percent increase in food availability required to feed a global population of 9 billion by 2050.