Expert Workshop on Estimating Food Loss and Wasted Resources from Gillnet and Trammel Net Fishing, 8-10 April, Cochin, India

A major activity of the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department is on food loss and waste reduction in the whole fish supply chain, from harvesting to distribution. The Expert Workshop on Estimating Food Loss from Gillnet and Trammel Net Fishing held on 8-10 April 2015 in Cochin fits within its three-fold goal programme of: (i) Developing and agreeing on a methodology to estimate the wasted resources in fishing operations; (ii) Using the methodology to undertake case studies with selected fishing gears in selected countries, refining the methodology based on the findings, and identifying technological and management options to reduce wasted resources from fishing operations; and (iii) Testing the management and technological options in selected fisheries.
In tropical and sub-tropical fisheries, gillnets and trammel nets are the principal fishing gears associated with significant loss of fishery resources and food. These two gear types are primarily used in artisanal, small-scale, household-based fisheries but large-scale gillnet fishing also exists. The extent and magnitude of these losses and of methods to assess loss during fishing operations for these gear types have not been well-quantified or studied. More information is therefore needed, hence substantiating the importance of this workshop organized in collaboration with the Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (CIFT) of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and attended by participants from India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Tanzania, Thailand, the United States of America and Viet Nam. The objectives of the expert workshop were:
- Discuss, validate and agree on the methodology that would be used in identifying and quantifying the extent of food loss from gillnet and trammel net fishing operations;
- Identify case studies to evaluate and verify the methodology; and
- Identify the next steps needed in finding solutions to reduce the food loss.
The participating experts prepared and made a 15-minute presentation on gillnet and trammel net fishing in their country.
The working group sessions were structured around the causes of food loss identified in a background paper prepared prior to the workshop. The draft data collection form in that background paper was pre-tested by CIFT prior to the workshop and the findings presented to provide input to the discussion and revision of the data collection form.
A half-day field visit was held to a fishing community where gillnet is the major fishing gear.
At the end of the workshop, agreement was reached on a methodology for estimating food loss from gillnet and trammel net fishing. Each participant also shared plans for moving forward with estimating food loss in these two fishing techniques in their respective work/institution, while being inclusive of others that could eventually trigger concerns in the sustainability of resources and livelihoods of smallholders. Immediate follow up activities drawn from the outcomes of the workshop are expected to unfold in India, Indonesia, and Tanzania with Save Food support.
Petri Suuronen
Fishery Industry Officer, FAO Fishing Operations and Technology Branch
Yvette Diei Ouadi
FAO Fishery Industry Officer, FAO Fish Products Trade & Marketing Branch
Dr. Ravi Shankar, C.N
Central Institute of Fisheries Technology
Matsyapuri P.O.
Willingdon Island
Cochin - 682 029, India
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