Successful Staging of Third Regional Dialogue for Food Losses and Waste Prevention in Latin America and the Caribbean held in Santiago, Chile

Calls to support national committees made, International Code of Conduct for LAC pushes ahead
Since 2012, there has been a steadily growing awareness of Food Loss and Waste (FLW) issues in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). In recent years, a number of initiatives have been established to combat FLW throughout the supply chain and at regulatory and policy levels. These include the creation of a Regional Alliance for the Reduction of Food Losses and Waste (FLW) and the establishment of national committees seeking to halve waste in the Region by 2030.
On 6-7 June 2017, the Third Regional Dialogue for Food Losses and Waste took place in Santiago, Chile. The event was preceded by two other Regional Dialogues: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in 2015 and Saint George's, Grenada in 2016.
The Objective of the 3rd Dialogue was to define region-specific common goals and strengthen the linkage between FLW prevention and the reduction and the eradication of hunger, poverty and malnutrition. The initiative also presented an opportunity for the Parliamentary Front Against Hunger (PFH) – created within the framework of the Hunger Free Latin America and the Caribbean Initiative (HFLACI) – to meet and work side by side with the representatives from ministries.
A FAO officer delivered a training session on institutional, political and legal initiatives for the prevention and reduction of FLW at local, national, regional and global levels and made a presentation on Sustainable Development Goal 12.3. Target 12.3 calls for cutting in half per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer level, and reducing food losses along production and supply chains by year 2030.
The 60 participants – all involved at country level in policy and regulatory processes on post-harvest loss, food loss, and food waste - indicated that although data are available for Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Cuba, Mexico and the Dominican Republic, they need to be strengthened. Participants underlined how measurement is linked to policy and legislative action at policy and food supply chain levels. They also reinforced how food waste prevention can also be achieved through recovery and redistribution of safe and nutritious food for human consumption (that includes also food banks).
It was strongly noted how policy development, data and measurement can complement each other while capacity building is addressed and investments in logistics and infrastructure are prioritized for short, medium and long time returns.
At the end of the 3rd Dialogue, state and non-state actors agreed that training and support to establish and strengthen National FLW Committees to serve as advisory, cooperative and synergistic fora should be developed. In addition, attendees also called for the establishment of guidelines for public policies aimed at FLW prevention and reduction.
The draft of the Technical Note that initiated the process towards an International Code of Conduct for the prevention and management of food loss and waste in Latin America and the Caribbean was endorsed. This code will aim to identify needs and harmonize efforts at regional and global levels, to prevent and reduce FLW. This will contribute to the establishment of more sustainable food systems and is embedded in the framework of the Agenda 2030 (especially the goal 12.3 which seeks to halve food waste by 2030).
In order to take the initial steps towards an International Code of Conduct, countries in the Region will initiate dialogue on national, regional, and global opportunities to promote the proposal.