Science, technologie et innovation


Yerevan - The Director-General emphasized the importance of science, innovation and digital technologies in transforming agrifood systems and addressing the complexities of modern agriculture.
Pekanbaru, Indonesia - The Director-General emphasized the importance of leveraging digitalization and advanced technologies to enhance sustainable agricultural practices. A key aspect of this approach involves the establishment of comprehensive databases generated from extensive...
Dili -The Director-General noted that the Centre had a “big opportunity to go digital and make its good work on conservation known to a wider range of audience,” adding that the country’s youth had great potential to use digitalization for mobilizing additional resources. He...
Molondin (Suisse) – Le Directeur général, M. Qu Dongyu, vient de signer au nom de la FAO une lettre d’intention avec la Swiss Food & Nutrition Valley (SFNV), dont l’objet est la promotion de l’innovation et la préservation de l’avenir des systèmes agroalimentaire au nive...

In the race to make progress on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, science and innovation have emerged as key tools to accelerate the transformation of agrifood systems.  

Science and innovation have always been a part of FAO’s work, but the Organization has been ste...

Rome - Climate change is increasing the susceptibility of the world's forests to stressors such as wildfires and pests, according to a new flagship publication by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) that emphasizes the role of innovation in achieving a sustainab...
The FAO-IFAD Joint Secretariat of the UN Decade of Family Farming is launching a video contest with the title of ‘Innovations for and by family farmers’ in the context of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming (2019-2028) (UNDFF). Selected videos will be displayed as part of an exhibition organized during the Global Family Farming Forum held on 15-17 October 2024 in Rome during the week of the World Food Forum.
Rome - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and La Sapienza University of Rome  have further consolidated their research collaboration in the field of sustainable agriculture with the inauguration of a hydroponic garden on the FAO terrace, the result of the study of new water-based growing techniques.
In 2023, FAO launched a process to take stock of recent innovations in FFS and to brainstorm on priorities for action, laying the foundations for upgrading FFS to fit emerging challenges. This process is aiming at setting collectively some global directions for the Future of FFS, involving key FFS stakeholders around the world.  
Vienna – QU Dongyu, Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), has stressed the need to control food safety from the start – from our soil, water, agricultural and post-harvest practices – underscoring the crucial role that nuclear technologies can play in setting science-based food standards.
Geneva – The United Nations has a key catalytic role to play in leveraging the power of digital technologies, which is of utter importance particularly in rural areas, for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) QU Dongyu said today. He addressed a High-Level United Nations Dialogue on the Progress and Future of Digital Cooperation.
Afin d'approfondir la compréhension des voies potentielles de transformation du système agroalimentaire au niveau régional, l'équipe OIN invite les parties prenantes à contribuer au rapport complet de prospective qui s'appuiera sur le rapport de synthèse et développera davantage les voies régionales de transformation. 
@IAEA/J. Murickananickel

Earlier this month, the 22nd Meeting of the Joint FAO/IAEA Centre Steering Committee took place at IAEA headquarters in Vienna under the leadership of IAEA Deputy Director-General. Head of the Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications Najat Mokhtar, FAO Deputy Director-General Maria Helena Semedo and FAO Assistant Director-General Beth Crawford.

Rome –  While countries in Europe and Central Asia are grappling with conflict and environmental challenges, they are well positioned to pursue the sustainable transformation of agrifood systems and have already taken steps towards achieving many of the core Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), QU Dongyu, Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, said Tuesday in remarks opening the 34th Session of the Regional Conference for Europe (ERC).
The global cattle industry faces a significant challenge: ticks and tick-borne diseases. These diseases, transmitted by parasitic ticks, cause immense economic losses and threaten animal health. However, researchers are pioneering innovative genomic selection techniques that offer promising solut...
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Rome – Details surrounding the World Food Forum (WFF) 2024 including this year’s theme: “Good food for all, for today and tomorrow” were unveiled at an event at the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

In 2024 the WFF’s year-long activities will culminate in a flagship event to be held on 14– 18 October. This will include sessions dedicated to Global Youth ActionScience and Innovation and Hand-in-Hand Investment

The consultation is open until 8th May 2024.
Comments are welcome in English,
Rabat – The 33rd Session of the FAO Regional Conference for Africa has concluded with a strong ministerial declaration that calls for greater support to build resilience in African countries against climate shocks, increase cooperation for Blue Transformation to intensify African aquaculture, a revival of underutilised African crops, and inclusive rural transformation.
Rabat - Hunger levels in Africa have increased in the past two years, due to lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, ongoing conflicts, the climate crisis and economic shocks, but the continent’s possibilities are vast and optimism about the opportunities that lie ahead ...
Ministerial segment of 38th Session of FAO Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean opens in Guyana