In the lead-up to the FAO Science and Innovation Forum, the side-events on October 12-14 offer an opportunity for Members and partners to present their insights on science, technologies and innovations that can drive food systems transformation.
These independently organized side events will serve a key complementary role to the FAO Science and Innovation Forum and provide a great opportunity for Members and other actors to share additional ideas and accelerate commitments to action.
Please note: the below list of side-events are not part of the formal Forum programme nor hosted or organized by the Forum’s Secretariat.
General information for Side-Event Organizers:
Dear side-event organizers,
Congratulations again! Your proposal has been selected among hundreds to be part of the side-events preceding the FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2022.
By now, you should have received the guidelines below by email, which are available here on this page for your easy reference.
As for the next steps, you are kindly requested to provide the link to the flyer on your side-event with the previously indicated details (title, description, speakers, registration link, etc.) by COB 22 September. The link to the flyer should be sent to [email protected]
- Please send us the PWS link as soon as available, as we cannot process the document via PWS for you due to the number of side events being organized.
- Organizers are kindly invited to use the communication material developed for the Science and Innovation Forum and apply the related visual identity guidelines. The communication toolkit is available at this link. If you cannot access the communication toolkit, please let us know, and we will grant you access.
- Please designate a primary contact person regarded as the direct focal point for any communications related to the organization of your side event.
- The name and email of the contact person will be published on the Science and Innovation Forum side events webpage, together with the general information of the respective side event.
General information for Side Event Organizers:
- Organizers of side events will be fully responsible for conducting the side events.
- Side events will be held on 12-14 October 2022, the week preceding the five days of the FAO Science and Innovation Forum; it is the organizers’ responsibility to choose the date and timing of the side event.
- Side events will be held virtually; it is the organizers’ responsibility to create a registration link for the side event.
- It is the organizers’ responsibility to allocate the time for the side event; it is recommended to keep the side event’s duration limited to 90 minutes.
- The Forum Secretariat will not provide any support with the broadcast of independently organized side events; it is the organizers’ responsibility to arrange for the live broadcast of the side event.
- Organizers are responsible for inviting panelists and speakers and ensuring that all moderators, panelists, and speakers are registered to attend the side event.
- Publicizing a side event is the responsibility of its organizers; the Forum Secretariat will not produce flyers, distribute notices, or run other publicity efforts for side events.
After your side event:
Side event reporting and key messages:
• You will receive a link to this survey, which should be completed by 17 October, 17:00 hrs (Rome time).
• You will be kindly requested to add the main information on your side event: title, date and time, objectives, list of speakers and moderator, the number of participants (online audience), event’s main takeaways (max. 100 words), your contact information, and any links you may have on your side event (e.g., a news piece published by your organization on the side event).
• If you have the disaggregated data of the audience that attended your side event (how many participants from Academia/Government/UN Organizations/The Private Sector), there is a question to add information on these. If you do not have this information, please skip this question.
- If possible, consider designing and implementing a communication strategy for your side event, including social media engagement and promotion for your internal use. This strategy is vital to attract your target audience to the event.
- If possible, designate someone in your team to communicate live the key messages from the meeting using the hashtag #SIF2022 and #AgInnovation
- Do not forget to tag @FAOScienceChief on Twitter in your tweets.
Spread the word!
Join the #SIF2022 campaign by sharing our material on digital channels and raising awareness about the need to create more sustainable, resilient and inclusive agrifood systems.
For any queries, please write to [email protected]
Dear side-event organizers,
Congratulations again! Your proposal has been selected among hundreds to be part of the side-events preceding the FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2022.
By now, you should have received the guidelines below by email, which are available here on this page for your easy reference.
As for the next steps, you are kindly requested to provide the link to the flyer on your side-event with the previously indicated details (title, description, speakers, registration link, etc.) by COB 22 September. The link to the flyer should be sent to [email protected].
- Please share the link to your flyer with us. We will then post this link on the Forum website.
- Please do not send us the file (PDFs/word documents will NOT be accepted).
- Do not use the FAO logo on your flyer.
- Do not use the Forum visual identity.
General information for Side Event Organizers:
- Organizers of side events will be fully responsible for organizing every aspect of their side events.
- Side events will be held on 12-14 October 2022, the week preceding the five days of the FAO Science and Innovation Forum. It is the organizers’ responsibility to choose the date and time of the side event and share this information with [email protected].
- All side events will be held virtually; it is the organizers’ responsibility to create a registration link.
- It is the organizers’ responsibility to manage the time and it is recommended to keep the duration of the side event within 90 minutes and not more than 2 hours maximum.
- The Forum Secretariat will not provide any broadcasting support of independently organized side events; it is the organizers’ responsibility to arrange for any live broadcasting.
- Publicizing a side event is the responsibility of its organizers; due to the large quantity of side events, the Forum Secretariat cannot produce flyers, distribute notices, or run other promotional efforts for independently organized side events.
- The side event organizers are requested to send us one page report in the attached template with details of title, time of the side event, speakers, number of participants, key messages and recommendations.
After your side event:
Side event reporting and key messages:
• The reporting template you received previously was transformed into a survey to facilitate the reporting process.
• You will receive a link to this survey, which should be completed by 17 October, 17:00 hrs (Rome time).
• You will be kindly requested to add the main information on your side event: title, date and time, objectives, list of speakers and moderator, the number of participants (online audience), event’s main takeaways (max. 100 words), your contact information, and any links you may have on your side event (e.g., a news piece published by your organization on the side event).
• If you have the disaggregated data of the audience that attended your side event (how many participants from Academia/Government/UN Organizations/The Private Sector), there is a question to add information on these. If you do not have this information, please skip this question.
Spread the word!
Join the conversation on #SIF2022 and #AgInnovation and raise awareness about the need to create more sustainable, resilient and inclusive agrifood systems.
Do not forget to tag @FAOScienceChief on Twitter in your tweets.
For any queries, please write to [email protected]
Schedule of side-events
DAY 1: Wednesday 12 October
Side event
Access to Scientific Information in the Global South: Partnering for Action
12 October | 11:00 am- 12:30 pm (CEST)
Side event
A cutting-edge genomics technology that may revolutionize plant and animal research
12 October | 9:00-11:00 am (CEST)| Virtual
Side event
Advancing science, technology, and policy in sustainable aquatic food systems for food security and nutrition
12 October|3:00-4:00 pm (CEST)
Side event
Agrivoltaics in the Mediterranean Region: opportunities, legal and technical issues
12 October |10:30 am-12:00 pm (CEST)
Side event
Can communities of policy practice spur food systems innovation? Informing national food system transformations
Side event
Co-creating responsible innovation ecosystems that enable systemic change of food systems
12 October | 4:00 -5:30 pm (CEST) | Virtual
Side event
Fisheries Atlas: a flexible Spatial Data Infrastructure
12 October | 09:00-10:30 am (CEST)
Side event
Food Science and Technology Solutions to Minimize Food Waste
Side event
Importance of Awareness on the Ecosystem Services Toward Food Security
12 October| 10:00-11:30 am (UTC+03) | Virtual
Side event
Informing the future through foresight and metrics to accelerate food, land, and water system transformation
12 October| 2:00-3:30 pm (CEST)
Side event
Mainstreaming neglected and underutilised species for food and nutritional security
12 October| 1:00-3:00 pm (GMT)
Side event
Microbiome research for a sustainable, healthy and safe food system
12 October | 2:00-4:00 pm (CEST) | Virtual
Side event
Multi-stakeholder policy dialogue process to support agricultural innovation
12 October |2:00 – 4:00 pm (CEST) | Virtual
Side event
Nuclear Science and Innovation for Agrifood Systems Transformation - Success stories from the lab to the field and kitchen
12 October | 12:30-2:00 pm (CEST)
Side event
Open-source tools for community and social engagement on agroecology practices
12 October|11:00 am- 12:00 noon (GMT+2) | Virtual
Side event
Power of solar energy technologies to drive inclusive rural transformation
12 October |11:00 am - 12:30 pm (ET) | Virtual
Side event
TAPipedia: Fostering knowledge sharing in support of agricultural innovation
12 October | 4:30-6:30 pm (CEST)
Side event
The role of research organisation networks in supporting innovation for food systems transformation
12 October |10:00-12:00 noon (CEST)
Side event
Water–Energy–Food Nexus Approach for evaluating the sustainability of the Mediterranean Diet
12 October|10:00-11:30 EDT (UTC-4)
DAY 2: Thursday 13 October
Side event
Addressing the Waste-Water-Energy-Food Nexus
13 October | 10:00-11:30 am (UCT+3) | Virtual
Side event
Building capacity for small-scale, sustainable tuna fishers in the Philippines through development of accessible technologies for catch data collection
Side event
Capacity development for agricultural innovation systems (AIS) mainstreaming and investments through the Tropical Agriculture Platform.
13 October| 3:00-4:30 pm (CEST)
Side event
Catalyzing Investments into Climate-Smart Agriculture: Experiences in South Asia and East and Southern Africa
13 October |10:00 am–12:00 pm (CEST) | Virtual
Side event
Creating Evidence on Extension and Advisory Services (EAS)
13 October | 2:00-4:00 pm (CEST) | Virtual
Side event
Creating Sustainable Food Systems in Asia Monsoon Region through Science and Innovation
13 October|11:00- 12:30 am (CEST) | Virtual
Side event
Dairy Donkey Farming and Donkey Milk Production for vulnerable infants
13 October |10:00 am-12:00 pm (CEST) | Virtual
Side event
Embracing Integral ecological regeneration: co-designing ways for science and innovation to be in service of the Mediterranean heritage
13 October| 4:30 - 6:00 pm (CEST)
Side event
Enhancing knowledge sharing in support of agricultural innovation “Date Palm Innovation Platform”
October 13|10:00 am-12:00 pm (Jordan Time)
Side event
Enhancing Resilience and Adaptative Capacity of Small Holder Farmers through Science and Innovation: Lessons from Actors
13 October |2:00 - 3:30 pm (EAT)
Side event
Ensuring the social and environmental impact of agriculture and food innovations
13 October|4:00-4:50 pm (CEST) | Virtual
Side event
Evidence-based policy for sustainable and healthy food systems
13 October| 1:00-3:00 pm (GMT)
Side event
Exploring complexity: Policy options for nutritious, affordable and sustainable diets for all
13 October |15:00 South Africa (GMT+2) | Virtual
Side event
Food fermentation as a driver of sustainable innovation in food systems
13 October|4:00-6:00 pm (CEST)
Side event
Food Affordability: The role innovation and collaboration play in providing affordable, nutritious foods to support healthy and sustainable diets
13 October | 4:00-5:00 pm (CEST)
Side event
Genome Editing Technology in Transforming Agriculture and Food Systems Value Chains in Africa
13 October| 1:00 - 3:00 pm (CEST) | Virtual
Side event
Inclusive innovation for transformative goals in small-scale agriculture
13 October | 2:00-4:00 pm (CEST)
Side event
Innovations pour promouvoir l'investissement agricole responsable des jeunes- SIAT2022
13 Octobre | 2:00–4:00 pm (CEST) | Modalité hybride
Side event
Innovation as a catalyst for seed system change: insect resistant cowpea for West Africa
13 October |3:00-4:00 (CEST) | Virtual
Side event
Integrating sustainable and inclusive energy technologies into agrifood systems in East Africa
13 October| 11:00 am-12:30 pm (CEST)
Side event
Linking agri-food SMEs to innovation for sustainable food systems: the role of multi-stakeholder approaches
13 October| 9:30-11:00 am CEST| Virtual
Side event
Livestock and greenhouse gas emissions: Launch of the GLEAM Dashboard to access updated data
13 October| 10:00 -11:00 am (CEST)
Side event
Marine and coastal aquaculture detection and monitoring using free satellite data
13 October| 11:00 am-12:00 pm (CEST)
Side event
Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, food security and health
13 October| 11:00 am–1:00 pm (EAT) | Virtual
Side event
Opportunities for youth on a Climate Smart Agriculture and Agri 2.0 future
13 October| 2:30 pm (CEST)
Side event
Preventing zoonotic disease emergence while ensuring food security and livelihoods for the poorest communities
13 October |11:00 am – 12.30 pm (CEST)
Side event
Protein Transition - from Pain Points to Perspective
13 October| 2:00- 4:00 pm (CEST)| Virtual
Side event
Responsible digital agroecology, from farm to fork
13 October|2:00-4:00 pm (GMT) | Virtual
Side event
Rethinking Research and Policy Analysis for Inclusive and Sustainable Food Markets and Value Chains
13 October | 2:00– 4:00 (CEST) | Virtual
Side event
Rwanda innovation and technology strategies to reduce post-harvest losses
13 October| 1:30 - 2:30 pm (CAT)
Side event
Salinity, a complex global challenge with a need for an integrated approach
13 October |9:00–10:30 am (CEST) | Virtual
Side event
Scientific allocation of global agricultural resources to alleviate the food waste and to protect geographical indication food
13 October | 8:00 – 10:00 pm (Beijing time) | Virtual
Side event
Stimuler les innovations numériques pour accélérer la transformation des systèmes alimentaires en Afrique centrale
13 Octobre |15:00 -16:30 (Heure de Libreville/Gabon)
Side event
Strengthening agricultural innovation systems: learning from past and present research interventions
13 October| 11:00-1:00 (CEST) | Virtual | French
Side event
Strengthening Science, Innovation and Agribusiness Linkage: Leveraging Multi-stakeholder Platforms (MSPs) for Resilient and Sustainable Food System
13 October |10:00 am – 12:00 pm (GMT)
Side event
Sustainable innovation in the food system. The societal perception
13 October|1:30 - 2:30 pm (CEST) | Virtual
Side event
Strengthening agricultural Research-Extension- Farmers Linkages: project experience in Liberia
13 October| 10:00 am-12:00 pm (GMT)
Side event
Sustainable livestock production as a solution for climate, health, nutrition and livelihoods
13 October | 3:00-4:30 pm (CEST) | Virtual
Side event
Towards the first global foresight on extension and advisory services for agrifood systems of the future: participatory scenario shaping
13 October | 10:00 am -12:00 pm (CEST)| Virtual
Side event
Transforming food innovation through science and collaboration
13 October | 1:00- 2:30 pm (CEST) | Virtual
DAY 3: Friday 14 October
Side event
A common space for open, inclusive discussion for sharing robust science and evidence-based options for more efficient, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable agrifood systems
14 October |12:00-1:30 pm (CEST)
Side event
Advanced climate, plant, and soil research and innovation for sustainable intensification of African agriculture
:00-4:00 pm (CEST) | Hybrid | French
Side event
Africa Open Deal, an unprecedented continental-scale land use change analysis
14 October| 11:30 am-12:30 pm (CEST)
Side event
Agro-Informatics: actionable data for farmers and decision makers
14 October | 3:00 - 5:00 pm (CEST)
Side event
Best science for a nourished planet. The role of the younger generation of scientists
14 October | 1:30 - 2:30 pm (CEST) | Virtual
Side event
Breaking down regulatory barriers to bring new technology and innovation to farmers
14 October| 3:00–4:30 (CEST) | Virtual
Side event
Co-creating an Experimental Marine Area in the Mediterranean context: fostering science and innovation to support the Mediterranean Diet and heritage
14 October| 4:30 - 6:00 pm (CEST)
Side event
Earth Map, an innovative approach to land monitoring for everyone
14 October| 10:00-11:00 am (CEST)
Side event
Edible insects for circular economy and inclusive development
14 October| 11:00 am – 1:00 pm (EAT) |Virtual
Side event
Evidence needs to support nutrition-sensitive innovations in food value chains: perspectives from South Asia and Southern Africa
14 October| 10:00–12:00 noon (CEST)
Side event
Food Design for Cities. Let’s Share and Plan
14 October| 4:00-6:00 pm ( Madrid time) | Virtual
Side event
Foodsystem 5.0: Agritech, dieta mediterranea e comunità
14 October| 11:00 am (CEST) | Virtual
Side event
Food systems, nutrient bioavailability, and nutrition status: connecting the dots with the nuclear techniques
14 October| 2:00-3:30 pm (CEST) | Virtual
Side event
Global Burden of Crop Loss: evidence-based systems for monitoring and reducing crop loss and food waste to tackle food security
14 October|4:00–5:30 (CEST) | Virtual
Side event
Guiding integration of policies and investments to innovate for food systems transformation: Global Lessons
14 October|4:00-5:30 pm (CEST)
Side event
Improving Codex Alimentarius processes to support the application of science & innovation for food safety
14 October| 3:00 pm (CEST) | Hybrid
Side event
Innovations from Indigenous hunter-gatherers: A way of life in the forest by Indigenous Peoples
14 October| 12:00-2:00 pm ( CEST)| English-French-Spanish
Side event
IPC Innovation Agenda: Modelling and Consensus Building for Improved Food Security and Nutrition Analysis
14 October | 1:30-3:00 pm (CEST) | Virtual
Side event
MIND Foods Hub - An innovation Hub for healthy and sustainable, plant-based food production and consumption
14 October |4:00-6:00 pm (CEST) | Virtual
Side event
Multidimensional agricultural extension to support innovation: Experiences and lessons on building African farmers’ resilience to global crises
12:00 – 2:00 pm (CEST) | Virtual
Side event
Plant and microbial biodiversity for healthy and sustainable food
14 October |2:00 - 3:30 pm (CEST) | Virtual
Side event
Strengthening of Agricultural Advisory Services in Azerbaijan
14 October | 8:00-9:30 am (CEST)| Virtual
Side event
Supporting small-scale farmers resilience with inclusive, transformative climate tools and policies
14 October | 10:00 am– 12:00 pm (CEST) | Virtual