SIDS Solutions Platform

26 January, New York – With Small Island Developing States (SIDS) centre-stage this week at the United Nations headquarters, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) invited Member States, UN System and partners to explore how the new FAO Global Roadmap to achieve SD...
High-Level Ministerial Event hosted by FAO promotes the sharing of experiences and ways forward through innovation and broader cooperation
$5 million from FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme will assist in building more resilient agrifood systems
Pacific SIDS leaders to foster and accelerate innovation to transform agrifood systems
FAO Director-General starts two-day visit to Maldives, as innovation and digitalization in SIDS countries are a key focus of FAO’s work

Tonga volcanic eruption and tsunami throws the vulnerability of the countries into sharp relief as they struggle to reach Sustainable Development Goals

Bringing together multiple stakeholders in a public-private partnership, Grenada has improved the social, economic and environmental outcomes of tuna fisheries while conserving marine life
A unique farm and training facility produces fish products and vegetables at the same time, contributing to healthier diets and sustainable livelihoods

High-Level Forum saw the launch of the SIDS Solutions Platform to foster innovation and digitalization

Known for growing one of the most pungent and potent ginger varieties in the world, Jamaica is seeking to develop the sister root, turmeric based on the success with technologies used for re-developing Jamaica’s ginger industry.