Protección Social


The aim of this publication is to examine the project “Enhanced Coastal Fisheries in Bangladesh” (ECOFISH-BD). This is a Payment for Ecosystem Services programme that focuses on establishing “collaborative science-based...
In rural areas, most women and girls face many challenges because of structural gender discrimination and inequality. These inequalities are kept in...
As the quality of climate risk information and reliability of scientific forecasts improve, the imperative to act in advance of an imminent...
Country: Peru
Sustainable, inclusive, and resilient food systems are critical to achieving food security and nutrition, promoting adequate livelihoods for farmers, food producers, and their communities, and ensuring environmental sustainability. The imperative to address these intertwined...
Meet Abdessalem, Taher, and Marbouka, fishers from Tunisia who have dedicated years to fishing off the cost of the country. Climate change, pollution, overfishing, and invasive species have significantly affected fish stocks, making their...