Portail d'information sur les sols

Soil Horizons: Soil quality and soil functions workshop

Monday 26th August 2019

10.30  – 16.00

Speakers corner, Impulse building, Wageningen University and Research,  The Netherlands


This is a side event organized by  iSQAPER & LANDMARK H2020 projects. Registration is free, but with limited places. For registration and information please email [email protected] specifying your: Name, Surname, role, organisation, address, reason of interest.

Preliminary agenda here available.

This event will precede the 4th edition of the Wageningen Soil Conference which runs from Tuesday to Friday (https://wageningensoilconference.eu/2019/registration/). If you wish to register also for the conference we would encourage you to register soon, as it is nearly full (max 300 participants).


- 26 Aug 2019
Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands