Portail d'information sur les sols

7th International Conference of the Urban Soils Working Group, SUITMA, of the International Union of Soil Sciences.

After successful events in Germany, France, Egypt, China, United States and Morocco, the 2013 conference in Poland will offer a further step forward in the knowledge of urban soils, focusing on the functions of SUITMAs in global change issues. It will feature current research from around the world, and panel discussions on topical issues. Not only are soil scientists invited, but members of other scientific communities (e.g. economists, lawyers, policy-makers, land planners) are most welcome to SUITMA 7.

Traditionally, SUITMA puts emphasis on local features of urban soils. In this objective, beside a three-day conference (16, 17 & 20 September 2013) held at Faculty of Earth Sciences of Nicolaus Copernicus University, located in UNESCO World Heritage city of Torun, two-day mid-conference field tours (18 & 19 September 2013) will be offered in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Province focusing on Technosols and one field tour would be dedicated to Northern Poland red brick gothic castles. A post-conference tour (20 - 24 September 2013) will be organized in Poland and Czech Republic focusing not only on urban and industrial soils of Central Europe but also with interesting social part (breweries visiting) included in the program and ending in Golden Prague, Czech capital.

- 20 Sep 2013
Torun, Poland