Management of calcareous soils

Calcisol with cemented calcium carbonate layer near to the surface in a desert environment, USA

Calcareous soils have often more than 15% CaCO3 in the soil that may occur in various forms (powdery, nodules, crusts etc…). Soils with high CaCO3 belong to the Calcisols and related calcic subgroups of other soils. They are relatively widespread in the drier areas of the earth.

The potential productivity of calcareous soils is high where adequate water and nutrients can be supplied. The high calcium saturation tends to keep the calcareous soils in well aggregated form and good physical condition. However where soils contain an impermeable hard pan (petricalcic horizon) they should be deeply ploughed in order to break the pan. This should be followed by the establishment of an efficient drainage system. Furrow irrigation is better than basin irrigation on slaking calcareous soils. On undulating lands, contour and sprinkler irrigations are better options than flood irrigation. Drip irrigation may also be practiced. Calcareous soils generally have low organic matter content and lack nitrogen. Nitrogen fertilizer may be applied any time from just before planting up to the time the plant is well established. Application of nitrogen through side-dressing to the growing crop is an efficient way of nitrogen application. Care should be exercised so as not to apply nitrogen close to the seed as it may prevent germination. Ammoniac sources of nitrogen and urea should not be left on the surface of calcareous soils, since considerable loss of ammonia through volatilization may occur, and they should be incorporated in the soil instead.

Phosphorous is often lacking in calcareous soils. Amounts to apply depend on how deficient the soil is and the crop requirements. Excess applied phosphorus may lead to deficiency of zinc or iron. To be effective on calcareous soils, applied phosphorus fertilizer should be in water soluble form. Band application of phosphate is more effective as compared to broadcast application. Application at the time of seeding has been found to be most appropriate since phosphorus is required mostly during the younger stages of plant growth.

Calcareous soils usually suffer from a lack of micronutrients, especially zinc and iron. Zinc deficiency is most pronounced in maize, especially under high yield intensive cultivation systems.  Zinc sulphate is an effective zinc source and is the most popular form in use. For soil application, zinc sulphate is broadcast and incorporated in soil. A single application lasts for several years. Foliar applications of zinc are used on fruit trees. Heavy applications of animal manure are helpful in preventing deficiency of iron and zinc.