FAO in South Sudan
FAO is a specialized technical agency, working towards the alleviation of poverty and strengthening of livelihoods and food security and implements interventions in partnership with governments, national and international NGOs as well as other UN agencies.
Within the global FAO structure, FAO in South Sudan falls under the Emergency Operations and Rehabilitations Division (OER). In South Sudan, FAO has a lead role in the coordination and monitoring of humanitarian interventions in South Sudan’s agriculture and livestock sectors in addition to collecting, analyzing and disseminating high quality up to date information on food security, nutrition and natural resources.
The data are used by partners in formulating both long term and short term interventions. In addition, FAO is the designated lead of the emergency oriented Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Food Security Cluster and is responsible for ensuring well-coordinated and effective livelihood interventions.
FAO’s emergency and development interventions in South Sudan aim to support and build resilient agriculture-based livelihoods. Through the Emergency Livelihood Response Programme. FAO is providing light-weight crop, vegetable and fishing kits to facilitate the production of nutritious food for consumption and sale, conducting livestock vaccination and treatment to protect vital livelihood assets; and providing vouchers to enhance the nutrition and income-generation capacity of vulnerable displaced and host community families.
Longer term interventions focus on crops, livestock, fisheries, forestry and their interaction with the environment. Additionally, FAO gives guidance in drafting effective legislation and creating national strategies to achieve transitional development and alleviate hunger.