FAO in South Sudan


13 May 2024
In rural South Sudan, the impact of economic decline, climatic shocks, and conflicts runs deep. For smallholder farmers like Josephine Garebere, these stresses are compounded by shortages of quality seeds, pest infestations, and the relentless uncertainty of conflict. Yet, amidst the adversity, hope blossomed with the arrival of the Government...
25 March 2024
Alphonso Lado Modi lives in Terekeka, a town nestled along the western bank of the White Nile, 85 km north of South Sudan’s capital, Juba. It is one of the country’s key fishery hubs, with fish being caught during the dry season (January to March) using locally manufactured nets and...
14 February 2024
Nilotic shea butter-producing small-scale cooperative farmers in Rumbek have registered a remarkable marketing breakthrough after their organically produced butter found its way onto shop shelves in South Sudan. This was made possible by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and funding partners, who supported them with training...
02 February 2024
“I hate begging for money from parents and relatives when l can work for myself,” Says 30-year-old Natalia Itwari, a resident of Torit in Eastern Equatoria who has decided to go full time into farming with support from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Natalia received support under...
03 August 2023
Jennifer Apio lives in Gumbo, a small suburb located in the Rejaf Payam of Central Equatoria.  A mother of four, Apio, 32, is a widow, who has been the head of her family since she lost her husband.  Her life story has since been turned around when the Food and Agriculture...