FAO in South Sudan


12 July 2018
Faced with a widespread infestation of Fall Armyworm (FAW) over the past year, smallholder farmers in South Sudan are being forced to cope with this new additional foe amidst fears of poor access to and availability of food. South Sudan is currently on high alert, as the main maize and sorghum...
11 July 2018
In an effort to improve food security, Norway has donated NOK 150 million (approx. USD 18.6 million) in multiyear funding to FAO South Sudan to provide life-saving livelihood support to thousands of farmers. The agreement, signed today by Norway’s Ambassador to South Sudan Lars Andersen and FAO Representative Serge Tissot, paves...
05 July 2018
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Government of South Sudan, with funding from the World Bank, provided support to vulnerable households including those with malnourished children, mothers with children under five years and lactating mothers in Bahr el-Ghazal North and Central Equatoria in South...
26 June 2018
Under the hot sun, Peter Jok places fish on a simple drying rack made of wooden poles and mesh wire. Just hours before, the fish were plucked directly from the Nile, and without quick work they would spoil in the heat. But using sun drying and smoking techniques taught by a...
09 May 2018
Away from smoke and stings, FAO introducing new beekeeping techniques  Pasqualle Abdallah’s past ten years have been marked by climbing atop trees, using traditional beehives made of hulled tree trunks fixed in treetops, to harvest honey. He says this is coming to an end soon, thanks to the new skills...