FAO in South Sudan


13 September 2017
Three United Nations agencies leading the response to a dire hunger and nutrition crisis in South Sudan today welcomed a US$50 million donation from the World Bank to address food insecurity and malnutrition in the country. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World...
04 September 2017
YIROL, SOUTH SUDAN — For many livestock keepers in South Sudan, there is little that can be done to help a sick or injured animal.    “If one of our cows was sick, it was either slaughtered or left to die because we didn’t know how to deal with sick cows,” says...
20 July 2017
An outbreak of fall armyworm has been reported by the Government of South Sudan in the Equatoria region including Magwi, Yei and Juba, Northern Bahr el Gazal and parts of Jonglei area. Fall armyworm is a new pest in Africa, preferring maize plants, but feeds on sorghum, millet, vegetables and other crops as well. As...
21 June 2017
Famine has eased in South Sudan after a significant scale up in the humanitarian response, according to new analysis released today. However, the situation remains dire across the country as the number of people struggling to find enough food each day has grown to 6 million – up from 4.9...
24 May 2017
All parties to the conflict in South Sudan must cease violence and work together to ensure that food and other lifesaving support can reach people to end famine and severe hunger, the heads of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and of the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) said yesterday. FAO's...