Centre d'investissement de la FAO
© FAO/Massimo Berruti
The urgency of a coordinated response to contain the threat of African Swine Fever was high on the agenda at...
©FAO/Giuseppe Carotenuto
Le Centre d'investissement renforce ses capacités à répondre aux besoins croissants et évolutifs des pays membres et des institutions financières...
©FAO/Giuseppe Carotenuto
Giovanni Munoz, the Investment Centre's Service Chief for East and Southern Africa, reflects on a long career in the agriculture...
Source: Canva image bank.
“Our coffee has been sold in Europe for four years: exporting is costly, but the good prices we receive make...
©FAO/Giuseppe Carotenuto
Service Chief Ekaterina Krivonos spoke of her experience in Latin America and the Caribbean, drawing on her expertise in agricultural...
The FAO Investment Centre has today launched a three-volume series, Social analysis for inclusive agrifood investments. Together with three...